import * as mod from "";
AdditionalTokensOptions | Additional tokens options. Used to build function options. |
AreIntervalsOverlappingOptions | The areIntervalsOverlapping function options. |
DateValues | The date values, used to set or get date object values. |
DifferenceInCalendarWeeksOptions | The differenceInCalendarWeeks function options. |
DifferenceInHoursOptions | The differenceInHours function options. |
DifferenceInMinutesOptions | The differenceInMinutes function options. |
DifferenceInQuartersOptions | The differenceInQuarters function options. |
DifferenceInSecondsOptions | The differenceInSeconds function options. |
DifferenceInWeeksOptions | The differenceInWeeks function options. |
Duration | The duration object. Contains the duration in the units specified by the object. |
EachDayOfIntervalOptions | The eachDayOfInterval function options. |
EachHourOfIntervalOptions | The eachHourOfInterval function options. |
EachMinuteOfIntervalOptions | The eachMinuteOfInterval function options. |
EachMonthOfIntervalOptions | The eachMonthOfInterval function options. |
EachQuarterOfIntervalOptions | The eachQuarterOfInterval function options. |
EachWeekOfIntervalOptions | The eachWeekOfInterval function options. |
EachYearOfIntervalOptions | The eachYearOfInterval function options. |
EndOfWeekOptions | The endOfWeek function options. |
FirstWeekContainsDateOptions | The first week contains date options. Used to build function options. |
FormatDateOptions | The format function options. |
FormatDistanceFnOptions | The FormatDistanceFn function options. |
FormatDistanceOptions | The formatDistance function options. |
FormatDistanceStrictOptions | The formatDistanceStrict function options. |
FormatDistanceToNowOptions | The formatDistanceToNow function options. |
FormatDistanceToNowStrictOptions | The formatDistanceToNowStrict function options. |
FormatDurationOptions | The formatDuration function options. |
FormatISO9075Options | The formatISO9075 function options. |
FormatISOOptions | The formatISO function options. |
FormatLong | The object with functions that return localized formats. Long stands for sequence of tokens (i.e. PPpp) that allows to define how format both date and time at once. Part of the public locale API. |
FormatLongFnOptions | The FormatLongFn function options. |
FormatOptions | The format function options. |
FormatPart | A format part that represents a token or string literal, used by format parser/tokenizer |
FormatRelativeFnOptions | The FormatRelativeFn function options. |
FormatRelativeOptions | The formatRelative function options. |
FormatRelativeTokenFnOptions | The FormatRelativeTokenFn function options. |
FormatRFC3339Options | The formatRFC3339 function options. |
FPFn1 | FP function interface with 1 arguments. |
FPFn2 | FP function interface with 2 arguments. |
FPFn3 | FP function interface with 3 arguments. |
FPFn4 | FP function interface with 4 arguments. |
GenericDateConstructor | The generic date constructor. Replicates the Date constructor. Used to build generic functions. |
GetWeekOfMonthOptions | The getWeekOfMonth function options. |
GetWeekOptions | The getWeek function options. |
GetWeeksInMonthOptions | The getWeeksInMonth function options. |
GetWeekYearOptions | The getWeekYear function options. |
Interval | An object that combines two dates to represent the time interval. |
IntervalOptions | The interval function options. |
IntlFormatDistanceOptions | The intlFormatDistance function options. |
IntlFormatLocaleOptions | The locale options. |
IsMatchOptions | The isMatch function options. |
ISOFormatOptions | The ISO format function options. Used to build function options. |
IsSameWeekOptions | The isSameWeek function options. |
IsThisWeekOptions | The isThisWeek function options. |
LastDayOfWeekOptions | The lastDayOfWeek function options. |
Locale | The locale object with all functions and data needed to parse and format dates. This is what each locale implements and exports. |
LocaleOptions | The locale options. |
Localize | The object with functions used to localize various values. Part of the public locale API. |
LocalizedOptions | The localized function options. Used to build function options. |
LocalizeFnOptions | The LocalizeFn function options. |
Match | The object with functions used to match and parse various localized values. |
MatchFnOptions | The MatchFn function options. |
MatchFnResult | The MatchFn function result. |
NearestToUnitOptions | The nearest unit function options. Used to build function options. |
NormalizedInterval | A version of Interval that has both start and end resolved to Date. |
ParseISOOptions | The parseISO function options. |
ParseOptions | The parse function options. |
RoundingOptions | The rounding options. Used to build function options. |
RoundToNearestHoursOptions | The roundToNearestHours function options. |
RoundToNearestMinutesOptions | The roundToNearestMinutes function options. |
SetDayOptions | The setDay function options. |
SetWeekOptions | The setWeek function options. |
SetWeekYearOptions | The setWeekYear function options. |
StartOfWeekOptions | The startOfWeek function options. |
StartOfWeekYearOptions | The startOfWeekYear function options. |
StepOptions | The step function options. Used to build function options. |
WeekOptions | The week function options. Used to build function options. |
Day | The day of the week type alias. Unlike the date (the number of days since the beginning of the month), which begins with 1 and is dynamic (can go up to 28, 30, or 31), the day starts with 0 and static (always ends at 6). Look at it as an index in an array where Sunday is the first element and Saturday is the last. |
DurationUnit | The duration unit type alias. |
Era | The era. Can be either 0 (AD - Anno Domini) or 1 (BC - Before Christ). |
FirstWeekContainsDate | FirstWeekContainsDate is used to determine which week is the first week of the year, based on what day the January, 1 is in that week. |
FormatDistanceFn | The function that takes a token (i.e. halfAMinute) passed by |
FormatDistanceLocale | The tokens map to string templates used in the format distance function. It looks like this: |
FormatDistanceStrictUnit | The unit used to format the distance in formatDistanceStrict. |
FormatDistanceToken | The token used in the format distance function. Represents the distance unit with prespecified precision. |
FormatDistanceTokenFn | The function used inside the FormatDistanceFn function, implementing formatting for a particular token. |
FormatLongFn | The format long function. Formats date, time or both. |
FormatLongWidth | The format long width token, defines how short or long the formnatted value might be. The actual result length is defined by the locale. |
FormatRelativeFn | The locale function that does the work for the |
FormatRelativeToken | The token used in format relative function. Represents the time unit. |
FormatRelativeTokenFn | The locale function used inside the FormatRelativeFn function implementing formatting for a particular token. |
FPArity | The supported arity type. |
FPFn | FP function interface. It infers the arity of the function and returns the corresponding FP function interface. |
FPFnInput | The type of a function that can be converted to FP. |
IntlFormatDistanceUnit | The unit used to format the distance in intlFormatDistance. |
IntlFormatFormatOptions | The format options (see: |
IntlFormatLocale | The locale string (see: |
ISOStringFormat | The ISO string format. |
ISOStringRepresentation | The ISO date representation. Represents which component the string includes, date, time or both. |
LocaleDayPeriod | Token representing particular period of the day. |
LocaleUnit | The units commonly used in the date formatting or parsing. |
LocaleUnitValue | The formatting unit value, represents the raw value that can be formatted. |
LocaleWidth | The format width. Defines how short or long the formatted string might be. The actaul result length depends on the locale. |
LocalizeFn | Individual localize function. Part of Localize. |
MatchFn | The match function. Part of Match. Implements matcher for particular unit type. |
MatchValueCallback | The function that allows to map the matched value to the actual type. |
Month | The month type alias. Goes from 0 to 11, where 0 is January and 11 is December. |
NearestHours | Nearest hour type. Goes from 1 to 12, where 1 is the nearest hour and 12 is nearest half a day. |
NearestMinutes | Nearest minute type. Goes from 1 to 30, where 1 is the nearest minute and 30 is nearest half an hour. |
NearestMinutesOptions deprecated | The nearest minutes function options. Used to build function options. |
Quarter | The year quarter. Goes from 1 to 4. |
RoundingMethod | The number rounding method. |