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import type { IntlFormatDistanceOptions } from "https://esm.sh/v135/date-fns@3.6.0/index.d.mts";

The intlFormatDistance function options.

interface IntlFormatDistanceOptions {
locale?: Intl.UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier | Intl.UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier[];
localeMatcher?: Intl.RelativeTimeFormatLocaleMatcher;
numeric?: Intl.RelativeTimeFormatNumeric;
style?: Intl.RelativeTimeFormatStyle;


locale?: Intl.UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier | Intl.UnicodeBCP47LocaleIdentifier[]
localeMatcher?: Intl.RelativeTimeFormatLocaleMatcher

The locale matching algorithm to use. Other value: 'lookup'. See MDN for details Locale identification and negotiation

numeric?: Intl.RelativeTimeFormatNumeric

The output message format. The values are 'auto' (e.g. yesterday), 'always'(e.g. 1 day ago)

style?: Intl.RelativeTimeFormatStyle

The length of the result. The values are: 'long' (e.g. 1 month), 'short' (e.g. 'in 1 mo.'), 'narrow' (e.g. 'in 1 mo.'). The narrow one could be similar to the short one for some locales.


Force the distance unit