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import type { FPFn3 } from "https://esm.sh/v135/date-fns@3.6.0/index.d.mts";

FP function interface with 3 arguments.

interface FPFn3 <Result, Arg3, Arg2, Arg1> {
(): FPFn3<Result, Arg3, Arg2, Arg1>;
(arg3: Arg3): FPFn2<Result, Arg2, Arg1>;
(arg3: Arg3, arg2: Arg2): FPFn1<Result, Arg1>;
arg3: Arg3,
arg2: Arg2,
arg1: Arg1,
): Result;

§Type Parameters


§Call Signatures

(): FPFn3<Result, Arg3, Arg2, Arg1>

Curried version of the function. Returns itself.

(arg3: Arg3): FPFn2<Result, Arg2, Arg1>

Curried version of the function. Returns a function that accepts the rest arguments.

(arg3: Arg3, arg2: Arg2): FPFn1<Result, Arg1>

Curried version of the function. Returns a function that accepts the rest arguments.

(arg3: Arg3, arg2: Arg2, arg1: Arg1): Result

Returns the result of the function call.