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import type { Locale } from "https://esm.sh/v135/date-fns@3.6.0/index.d.mts";

The locale object with all functions and data needed to parse and format dates. This is what each locale implements and exports.

interface Locale {
code: string;
formatDistance: FormatDistanceFn;
formatLong: FormatLong;
formatRelative: FormatRelativeFn;
localize: Localize;
match: Match;
options?: LocaleOptions;


code: string

The locale code (ISO 639-1 + optional country code)

formatDistance: FormatDistanceFn

The function to format distance

formatLong: FormatLong

The object with functions that return localized formats

formatRelative: FormatRelativeFn

The function to relative time

localize: Localize

The object with functions used to localize various values

match: Match

The object with functions used to match and parse various localized values


An object with locale options