attributifyRE | |
cssIdRE | |
defaultSplitRE | |
e | |
extractorDefault | |
extractorSplit | |
regexScopePlaceholder | |
splitWithVariantGroupRE | |
validateFilterRE |
clearIdenticalEntries | |
clone | |
collapseVariantGroup | |
createGenerator | |
definePreset | |
entriesToCss | |
escapeRegExp | |
escapeSelector | CSS Selector Escape |
expandVariantGroup | |
hasScopePlaceholder | |
isAttributifySelector | |
isCountableSet | |
isObject | |
isRawUtil | |
isStaticRule | |
isStaticShortcut | |
isString | |
isValidSelector | |
makeRegexClassGroup | |
mergeConfigs | Merge multiple configs into one, later ones have higher priority |
mergeDeep | Deep merge two objects |
noop | |
normalizeCSSEntries | |
normalizeCSSValues | |
normalizeVariant | |
notNull | |
parseVariantGroup | |
resolveConfig | |
resolvePreset | Resolve a single preset, nested presets are ignored |
resolvePresets | Resolve presets with nested presets |
resolveShortcuts | |
toArray | |
toEscapedSelector | |
uniq | |
uniqueBy | |
warnOnce | |
withLayer |
AutoCompleteExtractor | |
AutoCompleteExtractorContext | |
AutoCompleteExtractorResult | |
CliEntryItem | |
CliOptions | For unocss-cli config |
ConfigBase | |
ContentOptions | |
CSSColorValue | |
ExtendedTokenInfo | Returned from |
Extractor | |
ExtractorContext | |
GenerateOptions | |
GenerateResult | |
GeneratorOptions | |
HighlightAnnotation | |
ParsedColorValue | |
PluginOptions | For other modules to aggregate the options |
Preflight | |
PreflightContext | |
Preset | |
Replacement | |
ResolvedConfig | |
RuleContext | |
RuleMeta | |
SourceCodeTransformer | |
SourceMap | |
SuggestResult | |
UnocssPluginContext | |
UserConfig | |
UserConfigDefaults | |
UserOnlyOptions | |
UtilObject | |
VariantContext | |
VariantHandler | |
VariantHandlerContext | |
VariantObject |