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For other modules to aggregate the options

interface PluginOptions {
configDeps?: string[];
configFile?: string | false;
content?: ContentOptions;
exclude?: FilterPattern;
extraContent?: ContentOptions;
include?: FilterPattern;
transformers?: SourceCodeTransformer[];


configDeps?: string[]

List of files that will also trigger config reloads

configFile?: string | false

Load from configs files

set false to disable


Options for sources to be extracted as utilities usages

Supported sources:

  • filesystem - extract from file system
  • plain - extract from plain inline text
  • pipeline - extract from build tools' transformation pipeline, such as Vite and Webpack

The usage extracted from each source will be merged together.


Patterns that filter the files NOT being extracted.

extraContent?: ContentOptions

Patterns that filter the files being extracted.


Custom transformers to the source code