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interface ConfigBase <Theme extends object = object> {
autocomplete?: {
shorthands?: Record<string, string | string[]>;
blocklist?: BlocklistRule[];
configResolved?: (config: ResolvedConfig) => void;
details?: boolean;
extendTheme?: Arrayable<ThemeExtender<Theme>>;
extractorDefault?: Extractor | null | false;
extractors?: Extractor[];
layers?: Record<string, number>;
postprocess?: Arrayable<Postprocessor>;
preflights?: Preflight<Theme>[];
preprocess?: Arrayable<Preprocessor>;
presets?: (PresetOrFactory<Theme> | PresetOrFactory<Theme>[])[];
rules?: Rule<Theme>[];
safelist?: string[];
separators?: Arrayable<string>;
shortcuts?: UserShortcuts<Theme>;
sortLayers?: (layers: string[]) => string[];
theme?: Theme;
variants?: Variant<Theme>[];

§Type Parameters

Theme extends object = object


autocomplete?: {
shorthands?: Record<string, string | string[]>;

Additional options for auto complete

blocklist?: BlocklistRule[]

Rules to exclude the selectors for your design system (to narrow down the possibilities). Combining warnExcluded options it can also help you identify wrong usages.

configResolved?: (config: ResolvedConfig) => void

Hook to modify the resolved config.

First presets runs first and the user config

details?: boolean

Expose internal details for debugging / inspecting

Added rules, shortcuts, variants to the context and expose the context object in StringifiedUtil

You don't usually need to set this.

extendTheme?: Arrayable<ThemeExtender<Theme>>

Custom functions mutate the theme object.

It's also possible to return a new theme object to completely replace the original one.

extractorDefault?: Extractor | null | false

Default extractor that are always applied. By default it split the source code by whitespace and quotes.

It maybe be replaced by preset or user config, only one default extractor can be presented, later one will override the previous one.

Pass null or false to disable the default extractor.

extractors?: Extractor[]

Extractors to handle the source file and outputs possible classes/selectors Can be language-aware.

layers?: Record<string, number>

Layer orders. Default to 0.


Postprocess the generate utils object

preflights?: Preflight<Theme>[]

Raw CSS injections.


Preprocess the incoming utilities, return falsy value to exclude

presets?: (PresetOrFactory<Theme> | PresetOrFactory<Theme>[])[]


rules?: Rule<Theme>[]

Rules to generate CSS utilities.

Later entries have higher priority.

safelist?: string[]

Utilities that always been included

separators?: Arrayable<string>

Variant separator

shortcuts?: UserShortcuts<Theme>

Similar to Windi CSS's shortcuts, allows you have create new utilities by combining existing ones.

Later entries have higher priority.

sortLayers?: (layers: string[]) => string[]

Custom function to sort layers.

theme?: Theme

Theme object for shared configuration between rules

variants?: Variant<Theme>[]

Variants that preprocess the selectors, having the ability to rewrite the CSS object.