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Decoration objects can be provided to the view through the decorations prop. They come in several variants—see the static members of this class for details.


A collection of decorations, organized in such a way that the drawing algorithm can efficiently use and compare them. This is a persistent data structure—it is not modified, updates create a new value.


An editor view manages the DOM structure that represents an editable document. Its state and behavior are determined by its props.



An object that can provide decorations. Implemented by DecorationSet, and passed to node views.


The props object given directly to the editor view supports some fields that can't be used in plugins:


Helper type that maps event names to event object types, but includes events that TypeScript's HTMLElementEventMap doesn't know about.


Props are configuration values that can be passed to an editor view or included in a plugin. This interface lists the supported props.


By default, document nodes are rendered using the result of the toDOM method of their spec, and managed entirely by the editor. For some use cases, such as embedded node-specific editing interfaces, you want more control over the behavior of a node's in-editor representation, and need to define a custom node view.

§Type Aliases


A set of attributes to add to a decorated node. Most properties simply directly correspond to DOM attributes of the same name, which will be set to the property's value. These are exceptions:


The function types used to create mark views.


The type of function provided to create node views.