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The props object given directly to the editor view supports some fields that can't be used in plugins:

interface DirectEditorProps extends EditorProps {
dispatchTransaction?: (tr: Transaction) => void;
plugins?: readonly Plugin[];
state: EditorState;



dispatchTransaction?: (tr: Transaction) => void

The callback over which to send transactions (state updates) produced by the view. If you specify this, you probably want to make sure this ends up calling the view's updateState method with a new state that has the transaction applied. The callback will be bound to have the view instance as its this binding.

plugins?: readonly Plugin[]

A set of plugins to use in the view, applying their plugin view and props. Passing plugins with a state component (a state field field or a transaction filter or appender) will result in an error, since such plugins must be present in the state to work.


The current state of the editor.