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Returns Promise<Err(E)> if the input is Err(E), otherwise calls transformer with the value and returns the result.


Returns Err(E) if the input is Err(E), otherwise calls transformer with the value and returns the result.


Return input as E if the passed input is Err(E). Otherwise, throw TypeError with the passed msg.


Return input as T if the passed input is Ok(T). Otherwise, throw TypeError with the passed msg.


Converts from Result<Result<T, E>, E> to Result<T, E>


Convert {@link PromiseSettledResult} returned by {@link Promise.allSettled} to Result

  • Return input directly.
    • This value is passed as the input. But it maybe mutated by calling effector.
  • Call okEffector with the inner value of input if input is Ok(T). Otherwise, call errEffector with the inner value if input is Err(E)
  • This main purpose is to inspect an inner value in a chained function calling. If you don't have to do it, you should not mutate the inner value. if-else statement might be sufficient to mutate the inner value instead of calling this function.
  • Return input directly.
    • This value is passed as the input. But it maybe mutated by calling effector.
  • Call effector with the inner value of input if input is Err(E).
  • This main purpose is to inspect an inner value in a chained function calling. If you don't have to do it, you should not mutate the inner value. if-else statement might be sufficient to mutate the inner value instead of calling this function.
  • Return input directly.
    • This value is passed as the input. But it maybe mutated by calling effector.
  • Call effector with the inner value of input if input is Ok(T).
  • This main purpose is to inspect an inner value in a chained function calling. If you don't have to do it, you should not mutate the inner value. if-else statement might be sufficient to mutate the inner value instead of calling this function.

Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<U, E> by applying a transformer function to an contained Ok(T) value, leaving an Err(E) value untouched.


Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<T, F> by applying a transformer function mapFn<E, F> to an contained Err(E) value, leaving an Ok(T) value untouched.


Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<T, F> by applying a transformer function mapFn<E, F> to an contained Err(E) value, leaving an Ok(T) value untouched.


Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<U, E> by applying a transformer function to an contained Ok(T) value, leaving an Err(E) value untouched.


Return the result of transformer with using input as an argument for it if input is Ok(T). Otherwise, return defaultValue.


Maps a Result<T, E> to U by applying transformer to a contained Ok(T) value in input, or a recoverer function to a contained Err(E) value in input. This function can be used to unpack a successful result while handling an error.


Maps a Result<T, E> to U by applying transformer to a contained Ok(T) value in input, or a recoverer function to a contained Err(E) value in input. This function can be used to unpack a successful result while handling an error.


Return the result of transformer with using input as an argument for it if input is Ok(T). Otherwise, return defaultValue.


Calls recoverer and return its returned value if the result is Err(E), otherwise returns the Ok(T) value of self.


Calls recoverer and return its returned value if input is Err(E), otherwise returns input as Ok(T). This function can be used for control flow based on result values.


Unwrap E if input is Err(E). Otherwise, return null.


Unwrap T if input is Ok(T). Otherwise, return null.


Unwrap E if input is Err(E). Otherwise, return undefined.


Unwrap T if input is Ok(T). Otherwise, return undefined.


Transposes a Result of an Nullable<T> into an Nullable<T> of a Result.


Transposes a Result of an Undefinable<T> into an Undefinable<T> of a Result.


This function converts the returend value from producer into Ok(T). If producer throw a something, this returns it with wrapping Err(unknown).


This function converts the returend value from producer into Ok(T). If producer throw a something, this returns it with wrapping Err(unknown).

  • This function converts the returend value from producer into Ok(T).
  • If producer throw a value that is an instance of Error of current [realm][realm], this returns it with wrapping Err(Error).
  • Otherwise, if producer throw a value that is not an instance of current realm including a one created from cross-ream Error constructor (e.g. node:vm, iframe), then this operator creates a new Error object created from the current realm's constructor and the thrown value to its Error.cause, make it Err(Error), and return it finally.
  • This function converts the returend value from producer into Ok(T).
  • If producer throw a value that is an instance of Error of current [realm][realm], this returns it with wrapping Err(Error).
  • Otherwise, if producer throw a value that is not an instance of current realm including a one created from cross-ream Error constructor (e.g. node:vm, iframe), then this operator creates a new Error object created from the current realm's constructor and the thrown value to its Error.cause, make it Err(Error), and return it finally.

Return the inner E of a Err(E).


Return the inner T of a Ok(T).


Unwraps input, returns the content of an Ok(T). If the value is an Err(E) then it calls recoverer with its value.


Unwraps a result input, returns the content of an Ok(T). If the value is an Err(E) then it calls def with its value.


Unwraps a result input, returns the content of an Ok(T). If the value is an Err(E) then return defaultValue.


Unwraps input, returns the content of an Ok(T). Otherwise, this function throw a new Error instance with setting the original E in Err(E) to .cause property of the Error instance.



This type contain a failure information E.


This type contain a success value T.

§Type Aliases


This is result type.