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Returns Promise<Err(E)> if the input is Err(E), otherwise calls transformer with the value and returns the result.

XXX: Some languages call this operation flatmap. But we don't provide flatMap() as alias of this function to sort with other APIs.

function andThenAsyncForResult<T, U, E>(input: Result<T, E>, transformer: ResultAsyncTryTransformFn<T, U, E>): Promise<Result<U, E>>;
andThenAsyncForResult<T, U, E>(input: Result<T, E>, transformer: ResultAsyncTryTransformFn<T, U, E>): Promise<Result<U, E>>

§Type Parameters


input: Result<T, E>
transformer: ResultAsyncTryTransformFn<T, U, E>

§Return Type

Promise<Result<U, E>>