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This function converts the returend value from producer into Ok(T). If producer throw a something, this returns it with wrapping Err(unknown).


  1. An user should narrow the scope of producer to make it predictable that is in Err(E).
  2. Basically, we don't recomment to use this to create a Result<T, E>. Generally, you should define an Err(E) by depending on an use case context Use this operator just to make a bridge to existing codebase that you cannot inspect deeply to details.
function tryCatchIntoResultAsync<T>(producer: AsyncProducerFn<T>): Promise<Result<T, unknown>>;
tryCatchIntoResultAsync<T>(producer: AsyncProducerFn<T>): Promise<Result<T, unknown>>

§Type Parameters


producer: AsyncProducerFn<T>

§Return Type

Promise<Result<T, unknown>>