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TransitionLike is a helper interface to represent a quasi-Transition, without specifying the full Transition interface in this file. For example, wherever d3-zoom allows a Transition to be passed in as an argument, it internally immediately invokes its selection() method to retrieve the underlying Selection object before proceeding. d3-brush uses a subset of Transition methods internally. The use of this interface instead of the full imported Transition interface is [referred] to achieve two things: (1) the d3-transition module may not be required by a projects use case, (2) it avoids possible complications from 'module augmentation' from d3-transition to Selection.

interface TransitionLike <GElement extends BaseType, Datum> {
on(type: string, listener: null): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;
on(type: string, listener: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, void>): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;
selection(): Selection<GElement, Datum, any, any>;
tween(name: string, tweenFn: null): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;
tween(name: string, tweenFn: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, ((t: number) => void)>): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>;

§Type Parameters

GElement extends BaseType


on(type: string, listener: null): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>
on(type: string, listener: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, void>): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>
selection(): Selection<GElement, Datum, any, any>
tween(name: string, tweenFn: null): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>
tween(name: string, tweenFn: ValueFn<GElement, Datum, ((t: number) => void)>): TransitionLike<GElement, Datum>