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Map of namespace prefixes to corresponding fully qualified namespace strings


Selects the root element, document.documentElement. This function can also be used to test for selections (instanceof d3.selection) or to extend the selection prototype.



Given the specified element name, returns a single-element selection containing a detached element of the given name in the current document.


Given the specified element name, returns a function which creates an element of the given name, assuming that "this" is the parent element.


Obtain a new local variable


Given the specified selector, returns a function which returns true if "this" element matches the specified selector.


Obtain an object with properties of fully qualified namespace string and name of local by parsing a shorthand string "prefix:local". If the prefix does not exist in the "namespaces" object provided by d3-selection, then the local name is returned as a simple string.


Returns a two-element array of numbers [x, y] representing the coordinates of the specified event relative to the specified target. event can be a MouseEvent, a PointerEvent, a Touch, or a custom event holding a UIEvent as event.sourceEvent.


Returns an array [[x0, y0], [x1, y1]…] of coordinates of the specified event’s pointer locations relative to the specified target. For touch events, the returned array of positions corresponds to the event.touches array; for other events, returns a single-element array.


Select the first element that matches the specified selector string. If no elements match the selector, returns an empty selection. If multiple elements match the selector, only the first matching element (in document order) will be selected.


Create an empty selection.


Given the specified selector, returns a function which returns the first descendant of "this" element that matches the specified selector.


Given the specified selector, returns a function which returns all descendants of "this" element that match the specified selector.


Returns the value of the style property with the specified name for the specified node. If the node has an inline style with the specified name, its value is returned; otherwise, the computed property value is returned. See also selection.style.


Returns the owner window for the specified node. If node is a node, returns the owner document’s default view; if node is a document, returns its default view; otherwise returns the node.



A helper interface which covers arguments like NodeListOf or HTMLCollectionOf argument types


A User interface event (e.g. mouse event, touch or MSGestureEvent) with captured clientX and clientY properties.


Interface for optional parameters map, when dispatching custom events on a selection


An interface describing the element type of the Enter Selection group elements created when invoking selection.enter().


Interface for object literal containing local name with related fully qualified namespace


Interface for maps of namespace prefixes to corresponding fully qualified namespace strings


A D3 Selection of elements.


TransitionLike is a helper interface to represent a quasi-Transition, without specifying the full Transition interface in this file. For example, wherever d3-zoom allows a Transition to be passed in as an argument, it internally immediately invokes its selection() method to retrieve the underlying Selection object before proceeding. d3-brush uses a subset of Transition methods internally. The use of this interface instead of the full imported Transition interface is [referred] to achieve two things: (1) the d3-transition module may not be required by a projects use case, (2) it avoids possible complications from 'module augmentation' from d3-transition to Selection.

§Type Aliases


BaseType serves as an alias for the 'minimal' data type which can be selected without 'd3-selection' trying to use properties internally which would otherwise not be supported.


Container element type usable for mouse/touch functions


KeyType serves as alias for valid types that d3 supports as key for data binding


Selects the root element, document.documentElement. This function can also be used to test for selections (instanceof d3.selection) or to extend the selection prototype.


Callback type for selections and transitions