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import type { QueuedResource } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/tpu:v2.ts";

A QueuedResource represents a request for resources that will be placed in a queue and fulfilled when the necessary resources are available.

interface QueuedResource {
readonly createTime?: Date;
guaranteed?: Guaranteed;
readonly name?: string;
queueingPolicy?: QueueingPolicy;
reservationName?: string;
spot?: Spot;
readonly state?: QueuedResourceState;
tpu?: Tpu;


readonly createTime?: Date

Output only. The time when the QueuedResource was created.

guaranteed?: Guaranteed

Optional. The Guaranteed tier

readonly name?: string

Output only. Immutable. The name of the QueuedResource.

queueingPolicy?: QueueingPolicy

Optional. The queueing policy of the QueuedRequest.

reservationName?: string

Optional. Name of the reservation in which the resource should be provisioned. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{zone}/reservations/{reservation}

spot?: Spot

Optional. The Spot tier.

readonly state?: QueuedResourceState

Output only. State of the QueuedResource request.

tpu?: Tpu

Optional. Defines a TPU resource.