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import type { QueuedResourceState } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/tpu:v2.ts";

QueuedResourceState defines the details of the QueuedResource request.

interface QueuedResourceState {
readonly acceptedData?: AcceptedData;
readonly activeData?: ActiveData;
readonly creatingData?: CreatingData;
readonly deletingData?: DeletingData;
readonly failedData?: FailedData;
readonly provisioningData?: ProvisioningData;
readonly state?:
readonly stateInitiator?: "STATE_INITIATOR_UNSPECIFIED" | "USER" | "SERVICE";
readonly suspendedData?: SuspendedData;
readonly suspendingData?: SuspendingData;


readonly acceptedData?: AcceptedData

Output only. Further data for the accepted state.

readonly activeData?: ActiveData

Output only. Further data for the active state.

readonly creatingData?: CreatingData

Output only. Further data for the creating state.

readonly deletingData?: DeletingData

Output only. Further data for the deleting state.

readonly failedData?: FailedData

Output only. Further data for the failed state.

readonly provisioningData?: ProvisioningData

Output only. Further data for the provisioning state.


Output only. State of the QueuedResource request.

readonly stateInitiator?: "STATE_INITIATOR_UNSPECIFIED" | "USER" | "SERVICE"

Output only. The initiator of the QueuedResources's current state. Used to indicate whether the SUSPENDING/SUSPENDED state was initiated by the user or the service.

readonly suspendedData?: SuspendedData

Output only. Further data for the suspended state.

readonly suspendingData?: SuspendingData

Output only. Further data for the suspending state.