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import { Meet } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/meet:v2.ts";

Create and manage meetings in Google Meet.

class Meet {
constructor(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string);
async conferenceRecordsGet(name: string): Promise<ConferenceRecord>;
async conferenceRecordsList(opts?: ConferenceRecordsListOptions): Promise<ListConferenceRecordsResponse>;
async conferenceRecordsParticipantsGet(name: string): Promise<Participant>;
async conferenceRecordsParticipantsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsParticipantsListOptions): Promise<ListParticipantsResponse>;
async conferenceRecordsParticipantsParticipantSessionsGet(name: string): Promise<ParticipantSession>;
async conferenceRecordsParticipantsParticipantSessionsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsParticipantsParticipantSessionsListOptions): Promise<ListParticipantSessionsResponse>;
async conferenceRecordsRecordingsGet(name: string): Promise<Recording>;
async conferenceRecordsRecordingsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsRecordingsListOptions): Promise<ListRecordingsResponse>;
async conferenceRecordsTranscriptsEntriesGet(name: string): Promise<TranscriptEntry>;
async conferenceRecordsTranscriptsEntriesList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsTranscriptsEntriesListOptions): Promise<ListTranscriptEntriesResponse>;
async conferenceRecordsTranscriptsGet(name: string): Promise<Transcript>;
async conferenceRecordsTranscriptsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsTranscriptsListOptions): Promise<ListTranscriptsResponse>;
async spacesCreate(req: Space): Promise<Space>;
async spacesEndActiveConference(name: string, req: EndActiveConferenceRequest): Promise<Empty>;
async spacesGet(name: string): Promise<Space>;
async spacesPatch(
name: string,
req: Space,
): Promise<Space>;


new Meet(client?: CredentialsClient, baseUrl?: string)


conferenceRecordsGet(name: string): Promise<ConferenceRecord>

Gets a conference record by conference ID.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the conference.


Lists the conference records. By default, ordered by start time and in descending order.

conferenceRecordsParticipantsGet(name: string): Promise<Participant>

Gets a participant by participant ID.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the participant.

conferenceRecordsParticipantsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsParticipantsListOptions): Promise<ListParticipantsResponse>

Lists the participants in a conference record. By default, ordered by join time and in descending order. This API supports fields as standard parameters like every other API. However, when the fields request parameter is omitted, this API defaults to 'participants/*, next_page_token'.

@param parent

Required. Format: conferenceRecords/{conference_record}

conferenceRecordsParticipantsParticipantSessionsGet(name: string): Promise<ParticipantSession>

Gets a participant session by participant session ID.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the participant.

conferenceRecordsParticipantsParticipantSessionsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsParticipantsParticipantSessionsListOptions): Promise<ListParticipantSessionsResponse>

Lists the participant sessions of a participant in a conference record. By default, ordered by join time and in descending order. This API supports fields as standard parameters like every other API. However, when the fields request parameter is omitted this API defaults to 'participantsessions/*, next_page_token'.

@param parent

Required. Format: conferenceRecords/{conference_record}/participants/{participant}

conferenceRecordsRecordingsGet(name: string): Promise<Recording>

Gets a recording by recording ID.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the recording.

conferenceRecordsRecordingsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsRecordingsListOptions): Promise<ListRecordingsResponse>

Lists the recording resources from the conference record. By default, ordered by start time and in ascending order.

@param parent

Required. Format: conferenceRecords/{conference_record}

conferenceRecordsTranscriptsEntriesGet(name: string): Promise<TranscriptEntry>

Gets a TranscriptEntry resource by entry ID. Note: The transcript entries returned by the Google Meet API might not match the transcription found in the Google Docs transcript file. This can occur when the Google Docs transcript file is modified after generation.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the TranscriptEntry.

conferenceRecordsTranscriptsEntriesList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsTranscriptsEntriesListOptions): Promise<ListTranscriptEntriesResponse>

Lists the structured transcript entries per transcript. By default, ordered by start time and in ascending order. Note: The transcript entries returned by the Google Meet API might not match the transcription found in the Google Docs transcript file. This can occur when the Google Docs transcript file is modified after generation.

@param parent

Required. Format: conferenceRecords/{conference_record}/transcripts/{transcript}

conferenceRecordsTranscriptsGet(name: string): Promise<Transcript>

Gets a transcript by transcript ID.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the transcript.

conferenceRecordsTranscriptsList(parent: string, opts?: ConferenceRecordsTranscriptsListOptions): Promise<ListTranscriptsResponse>

Lists the set of transcripts from the conference record. By default, ordered by start time and in ascending order.

@param parent

Required. Format: conferenceRecords/{conference_record}

spacesCreate(req: Space): Promise<Space>

Creates a space.

spacesEndActiveConference(name: string, req: EndActiveConferenceRequest): Promise<Empty>

Ends an active conference (if there's one). For an example, see End active conference.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the space. Format: spaces/{space}. {space} is the resource identifier for the space. It's a unique, server-generated ID and is case sensitive. For example, jQCFfuBOdN5z. For more information, see How Meet identifies a meeting space.

spacesGet(name: string): Promise<Space>

Gets details about a meeting space. For an example, see Get a meeting space.

@param name

Required. Resource name of the space. Format: spaces/{space} or spaces/{meetingCode}. {space} is the resource identifier for the space. It's a unique, server-generated ID and is case sensitive. For example, jQCFfuBOdN5z. {meetingCode} is an alias for the space. It's a typeable, unique character string and is non-case sensitive. For example, abc-mnop-xyz. The maximum length is 128 characters. A meetingCode shouldn't be stored long term as it can become dissociated from a meeting space and can be reused for different meeting spaces in the future. Generally, a meetingCode expires 365 days after last use. For more information, see Learn about meeting codes in Google Meet. For more information, see How Meet identifies a meeting space.

spacesPatch(name: string, req: Space, opts?: SpacesPatchOptions): Promise<Space>

Updates details about a meeting space. For an example, see Update a meeting space.

@param name

Immutable. Resource name of the space. Format: spaces/{space}. {space} is the resource identifier for the space. It's a unique, server-generated ID and is case sensitive. For example, jQCFfuBOdN5z. For more information, see How Meet identifies a meeting space.