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import type { TranscriptEntry } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/meet:v2.ts";

Single entry for one user’s speech during a transcript session.

interface TranscriptEntry {
readonly endTime?: Date;
readonly languageCode?: string;
readonly name?: string;
readonly participant?: string;
readonly startTime?: Date;
readonly text?: string;


readonly endTime?: Date

Output only. Timestamp when the transcript entry ended.

readonly languageCode?: string

Output only. Language of spoken text, such as "en-US". IETF BCP 47 syntax (https://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47)

readonly name?: string

Output only. Resource name of the entry. Format: "conferenceRecords/{conference_record}/transcripts/{transcript}/entries/{entry}"

readonly participant?: string

Output only. Refers to the participant who speaks.

readonly startTime?: Date

Output only. Timestamp when the transcript entry started.

readonly text?: string

Output only. The transcribed text of the participant's voice, at maximum 10K words. Note that the limit is subject to change.