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import type { MappingRule } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/datamigration:v1.ts";

Definition of a transformation that is to be applied to a group of entities in the source schema. Several such transformations can be applied to an entity sequentially to define the corresponding entity in the target schema.

interface MappingRule {
conditionalColumnSetValue?: ConditionalColumnSetValue;
convertRowidColumn?: ConvertRowIdToColumn;
displayName?: string;
entityMove?: EntityMove;
filterTableColumns?: FilterTableColumns;
multiColumnDataTypeChange?: MultiColumnDatatypeChange;
multiEntityRename?: MultiEntityRename;
name?: string;
readonly revisionCreateTime?: Date;
readonly revisionId?: string;
ruleOrder?: bigint;
setTablePrimaryKey?: SetTablePrimaryKey;
singleColumnChange?: SingleColumnChange;
singleEntityRename?: SingleEntityRename;
singlePackageChange?: SinglePackageChange;
sourceSqlChange?: SourceSqlChange;


conditionalColumnSetValue?: ConditionalColumnSetValue

Optional. Rule to specify how the data contained in a column should be transformed (such as trimmed, rounded, etc) provided that the data meets certain criteria.

convertRowidColumn?: ConvertRowIdToColumn

Optional. Rule to specify how multiple tables should be converted with an additional rowid column.

displayName?: string

Optional. A human readable name

entityMove?: EntityMove

Optional. Rule to specify how multiple entities should be relocated into a different schema.


Required. The rule filter

filterTableColumns?: FilterTableColumns

Optional. Rule to specify the list of columns to include or exclude from a table.

multiColumnDataTypeChange?: MultiColumnDatatypeChange

Optional. Rule to specify how multiple columns should be converted to a different data type.

multiEntityRename?: MultiEntityRename

Optional. Rule to specify how multiple entities should be renamed.

name?: string

Full name of the mapping rule resource, in the form of: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/conversionWorkspaces/{set}/mappingRule/{rule}.

readonly revisionCreateTime?: Date

Output only. The timestamp that the revision was created.

readonly revisionId?: string

Output only. The revision ID of the mapping rule. A new revision is committed whenever the mapping rule is changed in any way. The format is an 8-character hexadecimal string.

ruleOrder?: bigint

Required. The order in which the rule is applied. Lower order rules are applied before higher value rules so they may end up being overridden.


Required. The rule scope

setTablePrimaryKey?: SetTablePrimaryKey

Optional. Rule to specify the primary key for a table

singleColumnChange?: SingleColumnChange

Optional. Rule to specify how a single column is converted.

singleEntityRename?: SingleEntityRename

Optional. Rule to specify how a single entity should be renamed.

singlePackageChange?: SinglePackageChange

Optional. Rule to specify how a single package is converted.

sourceSqlChange?: SourceSqlChange

Optional. Rule to change the sql code for an entity, for example, function, procedure.


Optional. The mapping rule state