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import type { SingleColumnChange } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/datamigration:v1.ts";

Options to configure rule type SingleColumnChange. The rule is used to change the properties of a column. The rule filter field can refer to one entity. The rule scope can be one of: Column. When using this rule, if a field is not specified than the destination column's configuration will be the same as the one in the source column..

interface SingleColumnChange {
array?: boolean;
arrayLength?: number;
autoGenerated?: boolean;
charset?: string;
collation?: string;
comment?: string;
customFeatures?: {
[key: string]: any;
dataType?: string;
fractionalSecondsPrecision?: number;
length?: bigint;
nullable?: boolean;
precision?: number;
scale?: number;
setValues?: string[];
udt?: boolean;


array?: boolean

Optional. Is the column of array type.

arrayLength?: number

Optional. The length of the array, only relevant if the column type is an array.

autoGenerated?: boolean

Optional. Is the column auto-generated/identity.

charset?: string

Optional. Charset override - instead of table level charset.

collation?: string

Optional. Collation override - instead of table level collation.

comment?: string

Optional. Comment associated with the column.

customFeatures?: {
[key: string]: any;

Optional. Custom engine specific features.

dataType?: string

Optional. Column data type name.

fractionalSecondsPrecision?: number

Optional. Column fractional seconds precision - e.g. 2 as in timestamp (2)

  • when relevant.
length?: bigint

Optional. Column length - e.g. 50 as in varchar (50) - when relevant.

nullable?: boolean

Optional. Is the column nullable.

precision?: number

Optional. Column precision - e.g. 8 as in double (8,2) - when relevant.

scale?: number

Optional. Column scale - e.g. 2 as in double (8,2) - when relevant.

setValues?: string[]

Optional. Specifies the list of values allowed in the column.

udt?: boolean

Optional. Is the column a UDT (User-defined Type).