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areaInsights | Places Insights API. |
GoogleAuth |
Circle | A circle is defined by a center point and radius in meters. |
ComputeInsightsRequest | Request for the ComputeInsights RPC. |
ComputeInsightsResponse | Response for the ComputeInsights RPC. |
CredentialsClient | Defines the root interface for all clients that generate credentials for calling Google APIs. All clients should implement this interface. |
CustomArea | Custom Area. |
Filter | Filters for the ComputeInsights RPC. |
LatLng | An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles to represent degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this object must conform to the WGS84 standard. Values must be within normalized ranges. |
LocationFilter | Location filters. Specifies the area of interest for the insight. |
PlaceInsight | Holds information about a place |
Polygon | A polygon is represented by a series of connected coordinates in an counterclockwise ordered sequence. The coordinates form a closed loop and define a filled region. The first and last coordinates are equivalent, and they must contain identical values. The format is a simplified version of GeoJSON polygons (we only support one counterclockwise exterior ring). |
RatingFilter | Average user rating filters. |
Region | A region is a geographic boundary such as: cities, postal codes, counties, states, etc. |
TypeFilter | Place type filters. Only Place types from Table a are supported. A place can only have a single primary type associated with it. For example, the primary type might be "mexican_restaurant" or "steak_house". Use included_primary_types and excluded_primary_types to filter the results on a place's primary type. A place can also have multiple type values associated with it. For example a restaurant might have the following types: "seafood_restaurant", "restaurant", "food", "point_of_interest", "establishment". Use included_types and excluded_types to filter the results on the list of types associated with a place. If a search is specified with multiple type restrictions, only places that satisfy all of the restrictions are returned. For example, if you specify {"included_types": ["restaurant"], "excluded_primary_types": ["steak_house"]}, the returned places provide "restaurant" related services but do not operate primarily as a "steak_house". If there are any conflicting types, i.e. a type appears in both included_types and excluded_types types or included_primary_types and excluded_primary_types, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned. One of included_types or included_primary_types must be set. |