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import type { RunReportRequest } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/analyticsdata:v1beta.ts";

The request to generate a report.

interface RunReportRequest {
cohortSpec?: CohortSpec;
currencyCode?: string;
dateRanges?: DateRange[];
dimensionFilter?: FilterExpression;
dimensions?: Dimension[];
keepEmptyRows?: boolean;
limit?: bigint;
| "COUNT"[];
metricFilter?: FilterExpression;
metrics?: Metric[];
offset?: bigint;
orderBys?: OrderBy[];
property?: string;
returnPropertyQuota?: boolean;


cohortSpec?: CohortSpec

Cohort group associated with this request. If there is a cohort group in the request the 'cohort' dimension must be present.

currencyCode?: string

A currency code in ISO4217 format, such as "AED", "USD", "JPY". If the field is empty, the report uses the property's default currency.

dateRanges?: DateRange[]

Date ranges of data to read. If multiple date ranges are requested, each response row will contain a zero based date range index. If two date ranges overlap, the event data for the overlapping days is included in the response rows for both date ranges. In a cohort request, this dateRanges must be unspecified.

dimensionFilter?: FilterExpression

Dimension filters let you ask for only specific dimension values in the report. To learn more, see Fundamentals of Dimension Filters for examples. Metrics cannot be used in this filter.

dimensions?: Dimension[]

The dimensions requested and displayed.

keepEmptyRows?: boolean

If false or unspecified, each row with all metrics equal to 0 will not be returned. If true, these rows will be returned if they are not separately removed by a filter. Regardless of this keep_empty_rows setting, only data recorded by the Google Analytics (GA4) property can be displayed in a report. For example if a property never logs a purchase event, then a query for the eventName dimension and eventCount metric will not have a row eventName: "purchase" and eventCount: 0.

limit?: bigint

The number of rows to return. If unspecified, 10,000 rows are returned. The API returns a maximum of 250,000 rows per request, no matter how many you ask for. limit must be positive. The API can also return fewer rows than the requested limit, if there aren't as many dimension values as the limit. For instance, there are fewer than 300 possible values for the dimension country, so when reporting on only country, you can't get more than 300 rows, even if you set limit to a higher value. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see Pagination.


Aggregation of metrics. Aggregated metric values will be shown in rows where the dimension_values are set to "RESERVED_(MetricAggregation)".

metricFilter?: FilterExpression

The filter clause of metrics. Applied after aggregating the report's rows, similar to SQL having-clause. Dimensions cannot be used in this filter.

metrics?: Metric[]

The metrics requested and displayed.

offset?: bigint

The row count of the start row. The first row is counted as row 0. When paging, the first request does not specify offset; or equivalently, sets offset to 0; the first request returns the first limit of rows. The second request sets offset to the limit of the first request; the second request returns the second limit of rows. To learn more about this pagination parameter, see Pagination.

orderBys?: OrderBy[]

Specifies how rows are ordered in the response.

property?: string

A Google Analytics GA4 property identifier whose events are tracked. Specified in the URL path and not the body. To learn more, see where to find your Property ID. Within a batch request, this property should either be unspecified or consistent with the batch-level property. Example: properties/1234

returnPropertyQuota?: boolean

Toggles whether to return the current state of this Analytics Property's quota. Quota is returned in PropertyQuota.