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import type { DateRange } from "https://googleapis.deno.dev/v1/analyticsdata:v1beta.ts";

A contiguous set of days: startDate, startDate + 1, ..., endDate. Requests are allowed up to 4 date ranges.

interface DateRange {
endDate?: string;
name?: string;
startDate?: string;


endDate?: string

The inclusive end date for the query in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Cannot be before start_date. The format NdaysAgo, yesterday, or today is also accepted, and in that case, the date is inferred based on the property's reporting time zone.

name?: string

Assigns a name to this date range. The dimension dateRange is valued to this name in a report response. If set, cannot begin with date_range_ or RESERVED_. If not set, date ranges are named by their zero based index in the request: date_range_0, date_range_1, etc.

startDate?: string

The inclusive start date for the query in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Cannot be after end_date. The format NdaysAgo, yesterday, or today is also accepted, and in that case, the date is inferred based on the property's reporting time zone.