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Plugins bundle functionality that can be added to an editor. They are part of the editor state and may influence that state and the view that contains it.

class Plugin<PluginState = any> {
constructor(spec: PluginSpec<PluginState>);
readonly props: EditorProps<Plugin<PluginState>>;
readonly spec: PluginSpec<PluginState>;
getState(state: EditorState): PluginState | undefined;

§Type Parameters

PluginState = any


new Plugin(spec: PluginSpec<PluginState>)

Create a plugin.


props: EditorProps<Plugin<PluginState>>

The props exported by this plugin.

spec: PluginSpec<PluginState>

The plugin's spec object.


getState(state: EditorState): PluginState | undefined

Extract the plugin's state field from an editor state.