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The result of applying a step. Contains either a new document or a failure value.

class StepResult {
readonly doc: Node | null;
readonly failed: string | null;
static fail(message: string): StepResult;
static fromReplace(
doc: Node,
from: number,
to: number,
slice: Slice,
): StepResult;
static ok(doc: Node): StepResult;


doc: Node | null

The transformed document, if successful.

failed: string | null

The failure message, if unsuccessful.

§Static Methods

fail(message: string): StepResult

Create a failed step result.

fromReplace(doc: Node, from: number, to: number, slice: Slice): StepResult

Call Node.replace with the given arguments. Create a successful result if it succeeds, and a failed one if it throws a ReplaceError.


Create a successful step result.