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A map describing the deletions and insertions made by a step, which can be used to find the correspondence between positions in the pre-step version of a document and the same position in the post-step version.

class StepMap implements Mappable {
constructor(ranges: readonly number[], inverted?: boolean);
forEach(f: (
oldStart: number,
oldEnd: number,
newStart: number,
newEnd: number,
) => void
): void;
invert(): StepMap;
map(pos: number, assoc?: number): number;
mapResult(pos: number, assoc?: number): MapResult;
static empty: StepMap;
static offset(n: number): StepMap;



new StepMap(ranges: readonly number[], inverted?: boolean)

Create a position map. The modifications to the document are represented as an array of numbers, in which each group of three represents a modified chunk as [start, oldSize, newSize].


forEach(f: (oldStart: number, oldEnd: number, newStart: number, newEnd: number) => void): void

Calls the given function on each of the changed ranges included in this map.

invert(): StepMap

Create an inverted version of this map. The result can be used to map positions in the post-step document to the pre-step document.

map(pos: number, assoc?: number): number
mapResult(pos: number, assoc?: number): MapResult

§Static Properties


A StepMap that contains no changed ranges.

§Static Methods

offset(n: number): StepMap

Create a map that moves all positions by offset n (which may be negative). This can be useful when applying steps meant for a sub-document to a larger document, or vice-versa.