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Add a mark to all inline content between two positions.

class AddMarkStep extends Step {
from: number,
to: number,
mark: Mark,
readonly from: number;
readonly mark: Mark;
readonly to: number;
apply(doc: Node): StepResult;
invert(): Step;
map(mapping: Mappable): Step | null;
merge(other: Step): Step | null;
toJSON(): any;



new AddMarkStep(from: number, to: number, mark: Mark)

Create a mark step.


from: number

The start of the marked range.

mark: Mark

The mark to add.

to: number

The end of the marked range.


apply(doc: Node): StepResult
invert(): Step
map(mapping: Mappable): Step | null
merge(other: Step): Step | null
toJSON(): any