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Like nodes, marks (which are associated with nodes to signify things like emphasis or being part of a link) are tagged with type objects, which are instantiated once per Schema.

class MarkType {
readonly name: string;
readonly schema: Schema;
readonly spec: MarkSpec;
create(attrs?: Attrs | null): Mark;
excludes(other: MarkType): boolean;
isInSet(set: readonly Mark[]): Mark | undefined;
removeFromSet(set: readonly Mark[]): readonly Mark[];


name: string

The name of the mark type.

schema: Schema

The schema that this mark type instance is part of.


The spec on which the type is based.


create(attrs?: Attrs | null): Mark

Create a mark of this type. attrs may be null or an object containing only some of the mark's attributes. The others, if they have defaults, will be added.

excludes(other: MarkType): boolean

Queries whether a given mark type is excluded by this one.

isInSet(set: readonly Mark[]): Mark | undefined

Tests whether there is a mark of this type in the given set.

removeFromSet(set: readonly Mark[]): readonly Mark[]

When there is a mark of this type in the given set, a new set without it is returned. Otherwise, the input set is returned.