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class Editor extends EventEmitter<EditorEvents> {
constructor(options?: Partial<EditorOptions>);
private capturedTransaction;
private commandManager;
private createCommandManager;
private createExtensionManager;
private createSchema;
private createView;
private css;
private dispatchTransaction;
private injectCSS;
get commands(): SingleCommands;
get $doc(): NodePos;
extensionManager: ExtensionManager;
extensionStorage: Record<string, any>;
isCapturingTransaction: boolean;
get isEditable(): boolean;
isFocused: boolean;
options: EditorOptions;
schema: Schema;
get storage(): Record<string, any>;
get state(): EditorState;
get isEmpty(): boolean;
get isDestroyed(): boolean;
view: EditorView;
$node(selector: string, attributes?: {
[key: string]: any;
): NodePos | null;
$nodes(selector: string, attributes?: {
[key: string]: any;
): NodePos[] | null;
$pos(pos: number): NodePos;
can(): CanCommands;
captureTransaction(fn: Function): Transaction | null;
chain(): ChainedCommands;
createNodeViews(): void;
destroy(): void;
getAttributes(nameOrType: string | NodeType | MarkType): Record<string, any>;
getCharacterCount(): number;
getHTML(): string;
getJSON(): JSONContent;
getText(options?: {
blockSeparator?: string;
textSerializers?: Record<string, TextSerializer>;
): string;
isActive(name: string, attributes?: {}): boolean;
isActive(attributes: {}): boolean;
prependClass(): void;
registerPlugin(plugin: Plugin, handlePlugins?: (newPlugin: Plugin, plugins: Plugin[]) => Plugin[]): void;
setEditable(editable: boolean, emitUpdate?: boolean): void;
setOptions(options?: Partial<EditorOptions>): void;
unregisterPlugin(nameOrPluginKey: string | PluginKey): void;




new Editor(options?: Partial<EditorOptions>)



Creates an command manager.


Creates an extension manager.


Creates a ProseMirror schema.


Creates a ProseMirror view.


The callback over which to send transactions (state updates) produced by the view.


Inject CSS styles.

commands: SingleCommands readonly

An object of all registered commands.

$doc: NodePos readonly
extensionManager: ExtensionManager
extensionStorage: Record<string, any>
isCapturingTransaction: boolean
isEditable: boolean readonly

Returns whether the editor is editable.

isFocused: boolean
storage: Record<string, any> readonly

Returns the editor storage.

state: EditorState readonly

Returns the editor state.

isEmpty: boolean readonly

Check if there is no content.

isDestroyed: boolean readonly

Check if the editor is already destroyed.


$node(selector: string, attributes?: {
[key: string]: any;
): NodePos | null
$nodes(selector: string, attributes?: {
[key: string]: any;
): NodePos[] | null
$pos(pos: number): NodePos

Check if a command or a command chain can be executed. Without executing it.

captureTransaction(fn: Function): Transaction | null

Create a command chain to call multiple commands at once.

createNodeViews(): void

Creates all node views.

destroy(): void

Destroy the editor.

getAttributes(nameOrType: string | NodeType | MarkType): Record<string, any>

Get attributes of the currently selected node or mark.

getCharacterCount(): number deprecated

Get the number of characters for the current document.

getHTML(): string

Get the document as HTML.

getJSON(): JSONContent

Get the document as JSON.

getText(options?: {
blockSeparator?: string;
textSerializers?: Record<string, TextSerializer>;
): string

Get the document as text.

isActive(name: string, attributes?: {}): boolean

Returns if the currently selected node or mark is active.

@param name

Name of the node or mark

@param attributes

Attributes of the node or mark

isActive(attributes: {}): boolean
prependClass(): void

Prepend class name to element.

registerPlugin(plugin: Plugin, handlePlugins?: (newPlugin: Plugin, plugins: Plugin[]) => Plugin[]): void

Register a ProseMirror plugin.

@param plugin

A ProseMirror plugin

@param handlePlugins

Control how to merge the plugin into the existing plugins.

setEditable(editable: boolean, emitUpdate?: boolean): void

Update editable state of the editor.

setOptions(options?: Partial<EditorOptions>): void

Update editor options.

@param options

A list of options

unregisterPlugin(nameOrPluginKey: string | PluginKey): void

Unregister a ProseMirror plugin.

@param nameOrPluginKey

The plugins name