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Creates a ConnectableObservable that utilizes a BehaviorSubject.


Will be removed in v8. To create a connectable observable that uses a BehaviorSubject under the hood, use connectable. source.pipe(publishBehavior(initValue)) is equivalent to connectable(source, { connector: () => new BehaviorSubject(initValue), resetOnDisconnect: false }). If you're using refCount after publishBehavior, use the share operator instead. source.pipe(publishBehavior(initValue), refCount()) is equivalent to source.pipe(share({ connector: () => new BehaviorSubject(initValue), resetOnError: false, resetOnComplete: false, resetOnRefCountZero: false })). Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/multicasting

function publishBehavior<T>(initialValue: T): UnaryFunction<Observable<T>, ConnectableObservable<T>>;
publishBehavior<T>(initialValue: T): UnaryFunction<Observable<T>, ConnectableObservable<T>>

§Type Parameters


initialValue: T

The initial value passed to the BehaviorSubject.