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Will be removed in v8. Use connectable to create a connectable observable. If you are using the refCount method of ConnectableObservable, use the share operator instead. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/multicasting

class ConnectableObservable<T> extends Observable<T> {
constructor(source: Observable<T>, subjectFactory: () => Subject<T>);
protected _connection: Subscription | null;
protected _refCount: number;
protected _subject: Subject<T> | null;
protected subjectFactory: () => Subject<T>;
source: Observable<T>;
protected _teardown(): void;
protected getSubject(): Subject<T>;
connect(): Subscription;
refCount(): Observable<T>;

§Type Parameters




new ConnectableObservable(source: Observable<T>, subjectFactory: () => Subject<T>)
@param source

The source observable

@param subjectFactory

The factory that creates the subject used internally.


Will be removed in v8. Use connectable to create a connectable observable. new ConnectableObservable(source, factory) is equivalent to connectable(source, { connector: factory }). When the refCount() method is needed, the share operator should be used instead: new ConnectableObservable(source, factory).refCount() is equivalent to source.pipe(share({ connector: factory })). Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/multicasting


_connection: Subscription | null
_refCount: number
_subject: Subject<T> | null
subjectFactory: () => Subject<T>


_teardown(): void protected
getSubject(): Subject<T> protected
connect(): Subscription deprecated
refCount(): Observable<T> deprecated

ConnectableObservable will be removed in v8. Use the share operator instead. Details: https://rxjs.dev/deprecations/multicasting