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The identity transform, where k = 1, tx = ty = 0.



Creates a new zoom behavior. The returned behavior, zoom, is both an object and a function, and is typically applied to selected elements via selection.call.


Returns the current transform for the specified node. Note that node should typically be a DOM element, and not a selection. (A selection may consist of multiple nodes, in different states, and this function only returns a single transform.) If you have a selection, call selection.node first. In the context of an event listener, the node is typically the element that received the input event (which should be equal to event.transform), "this". Internally, an element’s transform is stored as element.__zoom; however, you should use this method rather than accessing it directly. If the given node has no defined transform, returns the identity transformation. The returned transform represents a two-dimensional transformation matrix



A D3 Zoom Event


A D3 Zoom Behavior


Minimal interface for a continuous scale. This interface is used as a minimum contract for scale objects that can be passed into zoomTransform methods rescaleX and rescaleY


A zoom transform

§Type Aliases


ZoomedElementBaseType serves as an alias for the 'minimal' data type which can be selected without 'd3-zoom' (and related code in 'd3-selection') trying to use properties internally which would otherwise not be supported.