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A linear scale defined over a temporal domain.

Time scales implement ticks based on calendar intervals, taking the pain out of generating axes for temporal domains.

If the range is numeric, the mapping may be inverted to return a date.

Note that the data types of the range and output of the scale must be compatible with the interpolator applied by the scale.

The first generic corresponds to the data type of the range elements.

The second generic corresponds to the data type of the output elements generated by the scale.

The third generic corresponds to the data type of the unknown value.

If range element and output element type differ, the interpolator factory used with the scale must match this behavior and convert the interpolated range element to a corresponding output element.

interface ScaleTime <Range, Output, Unknown = never> {
(value: Date | NumberValue): Output | Unknown;
clamp(): boolean;
clamp(clamp: boolean): this;
copy(): this;
domain(): Date[];
domain(domain: Iterable<Date | NumberValue>): this;
interpolate(): InterpolatorFactory<any, any>;
interpolate(interpolate: InterpolatorFactory<Range, Output>): this;
interpolate<NewOutput>(interpolate: InterpolatorFactory<Range, NewOutput>): ScaleTime<Range, NewOutput, Unknown>;
invert(value: NumberValue): Date;
nice(count?: number): this;
nice(interval: CountableTimeInterval): this;
range(): Range[];
range(range: Iterable<Range>): this;
rangeRound(range: Iterable<NumberValue>): this;
tickFormat(count?: number, specifier?: string): (d: Date) => string;
tickFormat(interval: TimeInterval, specifier?: string): (d: Date) => string;
ticks(count?: number): Date[];
ticks(interval: TimeInterval): Date[];
unknown(): UnknownReturnType<Unknown, undefined>;
unknown<NewUnknown>(value: NewUnknown): ScaleTime<Range, Output, NewUnknown>;

§Type Parameters

Unknown = never

§Call Signatures

(value: Date | NumberValue): Output | Unknown

Given a value from the domain, returns the corresponding value from the range, subject to interpolation, if any.

If the given value is outside the domain, and clamping is not enabled, the mapping may be extrapolated such that the returned value is outside the range.

Note: The interpolation function applied by the scale may change the output type from the range type as part of the interpolation.


clamp(): boolean

Returns whether or not the scale currently clamps values to within the range.

clamp(clamp: boolean): this

Enables or disables clamping, respectively. If clamping is disabled and the scale is passed a value outside the domain, the scale may return a value outside the range through extrapolation.

If clamping is enabled, the return value of the scale is always within the scale’s range. Clamping similarly applies to the "invert" method.

@param clamp

A flag to enable (true) or disable (false) clamping.

copy(): this

Returns an exact copy of this scale. Changes to this scale will not affect the returned scale, and vice versa.

domain(): Date[]

Returns a copy of the scale’s current domain.

domain(domain: Iterable<Date | NumberValue>): this

Sets the scale’s domain to the specified array of temporal domain values. The array must contain two or more elements. If the elements in the given array are not dates, they will be coerced to dates.

Although continuous scales typically have two values each in their domain and range, specifying more than two values produces a piecewise scale.

Internally, a piecewise scale performs a binary search for the range interpolator corresponding to the given domain value. Thus, the domain must be in ascending or descending order. If the domain and range have different lengths N and M, only the first min(N,M) elements in each are observed.

@param domain

Array of temporal domain values. Numeric values will be coerced to dates.

interpolate(): InterpolatorFactory<any, any>

Returns the scale’s current interpolator factory, which defaults to interpolate.

interpolate(interpolate: InterpolatorFactory<Range, Output>): this

Sets the scale’s range interpolator factory. This interpolator factory is used to create interpolators for each adjacent pair of values from the range; these interpolators then map a normalized domain parameter t in [0, 1] to the corresponding value in the range.

Note: the default interpolator may reuse return values. For example, if the range values are objects, then the value interpolator always returns the same object, modifying it in-place. If the scale is used to set an attribute or style, this is typically acceptable (and desirable for performance); however, if you need to store the scale’s return value, you must specify your own interpolator or make a copy as appropriate.

As part of the interpolation process the interpolated value from the range may be converted to a corresponding output value.

@param interpolate

An interpolation factory. The generics for Range and Output of the scale must correspond to the interpolation factory applied to the scale.

interpolate<NewOutput>(interpolate: InterpolatorFactory<Range, NewOutput>): ScaleTime<Range, NewOutput, Unknown>

Sets the scale’s range interpolator factory. This interpolator factory is used to create interpolators for each adjacent pair of values from the range; these interpolators then map a normalized domain parameter t in [0, 1] to the corresponding value in the range.

Note: the default interpolator may reuse return values. For example, if the range values are objects, then the value interpolator always returns the same object, modifying it in-place. If the scale is used to set an attribute or style, this is typically acceptable (and desirable for performance); however, if you need to store the scale’s return value, you must specify your own interpolator or make a copy as appropriate.

As part of the interpolation process the interpolated value from the range may be converted to a corresponding output value.

The generic "NewOutput" can be used to change the scale to have a different output element type corresponding to the new interpolation factory.

@param interpolate

An interpolation factory. The generics for Range and Output of the scale must correspond to the interpolation factory applied to the scale.

invert(value: NumberValue): Date

Given a value from the range, returns the corresponding value from the domain. Inversion is useful for interaction, say to determine the data value corresponding to the position of the mouse.

If the given value is outside the range, and clamping is not enabled, the mapping may be extrapolated such that the returned value is outside the domain.

IMPORTANT: This method is only supported if the range is numeric. If the range is not numeric, returns Invalid Date.

For a valid value y in the range, time(time.invert(y)) equals y; similarly, for a valid value x in the domain, time.invert(time(x)) equals x. The invert method is useful for interaction, say to determine the value in the domain that corresponds to the pixel location under the mouse.

@param value

A numeric value from the range.

nice(count?: number): this

Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values. This method typically modifies the scale’s domain, and may only extend the bounds to the nearest round value.

An optional count argument allows greater control over the step size used to extend the bounds, guaranteeing that the returned ticks will exactly cover the domain.

Nicing is useful if the domain is computed from data, say using extent, and may be irregular. For example, for a domain of [2009-07-13T00:02, 2009-07-13T23:48], the nice domain is [2009-07-13, 2009-07-14]. If the domain has more than two values, nicing the domain only affects the first and last value.

@param count

Expected number of ticks.

nice(interval: CountableTimeInterval): this

Extends the domain so that it starts and ends on nice round values. This method typically modifies the scale’s domain, and may only extend the bounds to the nearest round value.

A time interval may be specified to explicitly set the ticks. If an interval is specified, an optional step may also be specified to skip some ticks. For example, time.nice(d3.timeSecond.every(10)) will extend the domain to an even ten seconds (0, 10, 20, etc.). See time.ticks and interval.every for further detail.

Nicing is useful if the domain is computed from data, say using extent, and may be irregular. For example, for a domain of [2009-07-13T00:02, 2009-07-13T23:48], the nice domain is [2009-07-13, 2009-07-14]. If the domain has more than two values, nicing the domain only affects the first and last value.

@param interval

A time interval to specify the expected ticks.

range(): Range[]

Returns a copy of the scale’s current range.

range(range: Iterable<Range>): this

Sets the scale’s range to the specified array of values.

The array must contain two or more elements. Unlike the domain, elements in the given array need not be temporal domain values; any value that is supported by the underlying interpolator will work, though note that numeric ranges are required for invert.

@param range

Array of range values.

rangeRound(range: Iterable<NumberValue>): this

Sets the scale’s range to the specified array of values while also setting the scale’s interpolator to interpolateRound.

The rounding interpolator is sometimes useful for avoiding antialiasing artifacts, though also consider the shape-rendering “crispEdges” styles. Note that this interpolator can only be used with numeric ranges.

The array must contain two or more elements. Unlike the domain, elements in the given array need not be temporal domain values; any value that is supported by the underlying interpolator will work, though note that numeric ranges are required for invert.

@param range

Array of range values.

tickFormat(count?: number, specifier?: string): (d: Date) => string

Returns a time format function suitable for displaying tick values.

The default multi-scale time format chooses a human-readable representation based on the specified date as follows:

  • %Y - for year boundaries, such as 2011.
  • %B - for month boundaries, such as February.
  • %b %d - for week boundaries, such as Feb 06.
  • %a %d - for day boundaries, such as Mon 07.
  • %I %p - for hour boundaries, such as 01 AM.
  • %I:%M - for minute boundaries, such as 01:23.
  • :%S - for second boundaries, such as :45.
  • .%L - milliseconds for all other times, such as .012.

Although somewhat unusual, this default behavior has the benefit of providing both local and global context: for example, formatting a sequence of ticks as [11 PM, Mon 07, 01 AM] reveals information about hours, dates, and day simultaneously, rather than just the hours [11 PM, 12 AM, 01 AM].

The specified count is currently ignored, but is accepted for consistency with other scales such as continuous.tickFormat.

@param count

Expected number of ticks. (Currently ignored)

@param specifier

An optional valid date format specifier string (see d3-time-format).

tickFormat(interval: TimeInterval, specifier?: string): (d: Date) => string

Returns a time format function suitable for displaying tick values.

The specified time interval is currently ignored, but is accepted for consistency with other scales such as continuous.tickFormat.

@param interval

A time interval to specify the expected ticks. (Currently ignored)

@param specifier

An optional valid date format specifier string (see d3-time-format).

ticks(count?: number): Date[]

Returns representative dates from the scale’s domain. The returned tick values are uniformly-spaced (mostly), have sensible values (such as every day at midnight), and are guaranteed to be within the extent of the domain. Ticks are often used to display reference lines, or tick marks, in conjunction with the visualized data.

An optional count may be specified to affect how many ticks are generated. If count is not specified, it defaults to 10. The specified count is only a hint; the scale may return more or fewer values depending on the domain.

@param count

Expected number of ticks.

ticks(interval: TimeInterval): Date[]

Returns representative dates from the scale’s domain. The returned tick values are uniformly-spaced (mostly), have sensible values (such as every day at midnight), and are guaranteed to be within the extent of the domain. Ticks are often used to display reference lines, or tick marks, in conjunction with the visualized data.

The specified time interval controls the ticks generated and returned. To prune the generated ticks for a given time interval, use interval.every(...) or interval.filter(...).

@param interval

A time interval to specify the expected ticks.

unknown(): UnknownReturnType<Unknown, undefined>

Returns the current unknown value, which defaults to undefined.

unknown<NewUnknown>(value: NewUnknown): ScaleTime<Range, Output, NewUnknown>

Sets the output value of the scale for undefined (or NaN) input values and returns this scale.

@param value

The output value of the scale for undefined (or NaN) input values.