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Returns a Cubehelix color space interpolator between the two colors a and b using a configurable gamma. If the gamma is not specified, it defaults to 1.0. The colors a and b need not be in Cubehelix; they will be converted to Cubehelix using d3.cubehelix. If either color’s hue or saturation is NaN, the opposing color’s channel value is used. The shortest path between hues is used. The return value of the interpolator is an RGB string.


Like interpolateCubehelix, but does not use the shortest path between hues.


Returns an RGB color space interpolator between the two colors a and b with a configurable gamma. If the gamma is not specified, it defaults to 1.0. The colors a and b need not be in RGB; they will be converted to RGB using d3.rgb. The return value of the interpolator is an RGB string.



Returns an null constant interpolator.


Returns an interpolator between the two arrays a and b. Internally, an array template is created that is the same length in b. For each element in b, if there exists a corresponding element in a, a generic interpolator is created for the two elements using interpolate. If there is no such element, the static value from b is used in the template. Then, for the given parameter t, the template’s embedded interpolators are evaluated. The updated array template is then returned.


Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified array of values, which must be numbers. Implicit control points are generated such that the interpolator returns values[0] at t = 0 and values[values.length - 1] at t = 1. See also d3.curveBasis.


Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified array of values, which must be numbers. The control points are implicitly repeated such that the resulting one-dimensional spline has cyclical C² continuity when repeated around t in [0,1]. See also d3.curveBasisClosed.


Returns an interpolator between the two dates a and b.


Returns a discrete interpolator for the given array of values. The returned interpolator maps t in [0, 1 / n) to values[0], t in [1 / n, 2 / n) to values[1], and so on, where n = values.length. In effect, this is a lightweight quantize scale with a fixed domain of [0, 1].


Returns an HCL color space interpolator between the two colors a and b. The colors a and b need not be in HCL; they will be converted to HCL using d3.hcl. If either color’s hue or chroma is NaN, the opposing color’s channel value is used. The shortest path between hues is used. The return value of the interpolator is an RGB string.


Like interpolateHcl, but does not use the shortest path between hues.


Returns an HSL color space interpolator between the two colors a and b. The colors a and b need not be in HSL; they will be converted to HSL using d3.hsl. If either color’s hue or saturation is NaN, the opposing color’s channel value is used. The shortest path between hues is used. The return value of the interpolator is an RGB string.


Like interpolateHsl, but does not use the shortest path between hues.


Returns an interpolator between the two hue angles a and b. If either hue is NaN, the opposing value is used. The shortest path between hues is used. The return value of the interpolator is a number in [0, 360).


Returns a Lab color space interpolator between the two colors a and b. The colors a and b need not be in Lab; they will be converted to Lab using d3.lab. The return value of the interpolator is an RGB string.


Returns an interpolator between the two numbers a and b. The returned interpolator is equivalent to: (t) => a * (1 - t) + b * t.


Returns an interpolator between the two arrays of numbers a and b. Internally, an array template is created that is the same type and length as b. For each element in b, if there exists a corresponding element in a, the values are directly interpolated in the array template. If there is no such element, the static value from b is copied. The updated array template is then returned.


Returns an interpolator between the two objects a and b. Internally, an object template is created that has the same properties as b. For each property in b, if there exists a corresponding property in a, a generic interpolator is created for the two elements using interpolate. If there is no such property, the static value from b is used in the template. Then, for the given parameter t, the template's embedded interpolators are evaluated and the updated object template is then returned.


Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified array of colors, which are converted to RGB color space. Implicit control points are generated such that the interpolator returns colors[0] at t = 0 and colors[colors.length - 1] at t = 1. Opacity interpolation is not currently supported. See also d3.interpolateBasis, and see d3-scale-chromatic for examples.


Returns a uniform nonrational B-spline interpolator through the specified array of colors, which are converted to RGB color space. The control points are implicitly repeated such that the resulting spline has cyclical C² continuity when repeated around t in [0,1]; this is useful, for example, to create cyclical color scales. Opacity interpolation is not currently supported. See also `d3.interpolateBasisClosed, and see d3-scale-chromatic for examples.


Returns an interpolator between the two numbers a and b; the interpolator is similar to interpolateNumber, except it will round the resulting value to the nearest integer.


Returns an interpolator between the two strings a and b. The string interpolator finds numbers embedded in a and b, where each number is of the form understood by JavaScript. A few examples of numbers that will be detected within a string: -1, 42, 3.14159, and 6.0221413e+23.


Returns an interpolator between the two 2D CSS transforms represented by a and b. Each transform is decomposed to a standard representation of translate, rotate, x-skew and scale; these component transformations are then interpolated. This behavior is standardized by CSS: see matrix decomposition for animation.


Returns an interpolator between the two 2D SVG transforms represented by a and b. Each transform is decomposed to a standard representation of translate, rotate, x-skew and scale; these component transformations are then interpolated. This behavior is standardized by CSS: see matrix decomposition for animation.


Returns an interpolator between the two views a and b of a two-dimensional plane, based on “Smooth and efficient zooming and panning”. Each view is defined as an array of three numbers: cx, cy and width. The first two coordinates cx, cy represent the center of the viewport; the last coordinate width represents the size of the viewport.


Returns a piecewise zoom interpolator, composing zoom interpolators for each adjacent pair of zoom view. The returned interpolator maps t in [0, 1 / (n - 1)] to interpolate(values[0], values[1]), t in [1 / (n - 1), 2 / (n - 1)] to interpolate(values[1], values[2]), and so on, where n = values.length. In effect, this is a lightweight linear scale. For example, to blend through three different zoom views: d3.piecewise(d3.interpolateZoom, [[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 10], [0, 0, 15]]).


Returns n uniformly-spaced samples from the specified interpolator, where n is an integer greater than one. The first sample is always at t = 0, and the last sample is always at t = 1. This can be useful in generating a fixed number of samples from a given interpolator, such as to derive the range of a quantize scale from a continuous interpolator.



§Type Aliases


Type zoomView is used to represent a numeric array with three elements. In order of appearance the elements correspond to:

  • cx: x-coordinate of the center of the viewport
  • cy: y-coordinate of the center of the viewport
  • width: size of the viewport