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Constructs a new bottom-oriented axis generator for the given scale, with empty tick arguments, a tick size of 6 and padding of 3. In this orientation, ticks are drawn below the horizontal domain path.


Constructs a new left-oriented axis generator for the given scale, with empty tick arguments, a tick size of 6 and padding of 3. In this orientation, ticks are drawn to the left of the vertical domain path.


Constructs a new right-oriented axis generator for the given scale, with empty tick arguments, a tick size of 6 and padding of 3. In this orientation, ticks are drawn to the right of the vertical domain path.


Constructs a new top-oriented axis generator for the given scale, with empty tick arguments, a tick size of 6 and padding of 3. In this orientation, ticks are drawn above the horizontal domain path.



Interface defining an axis generator. The generic is the type of the axis domain.


A helper interface to which a scale passed into axis must conform (at a minimum) for axis to use the scale without error.


A helper interface to describe the minimal contract to be met by a time interval which can be passed into the Axis.ticks(...) or Axis.tickArguments(...) methods when creating time series axes. Under normal circumstances the argument will be of type TimeInterval or CountableTimeInterval as defined in d3-time. NB: This helper interface has been created to avoid tight coupling of d3-axis to d3-time at the level of definition files. I.e. d3-time is not a dependency of d3-axis in the D3 Javascript implementation. This minimal contract is based on an analysis of how d3-axis passes a time interval argument into a time scale, if a time scale was set using Axis.scale(...). And in turn on how a time scale uses the time interval when creating ticks from it.

§Type Aliases


A helper type to alias elements which can serve as a container for an axis.


A helper type to alias elements which can serve as a domain for an axis.