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TimestreamWrite |
CreateDatabaseRequest | |
CreateDatabaseResponse | |
CreateTableRequest | |
CreateTableResponse | |
Database | A top level container for a table. Databases and tables are the fundamental management concepts in Amazon Timestream. All tables in a database are encrypted with the same KMS key. |
DeleteDatabaseRequest | |
DeleteTableRequest | |
DescribeDatabaseRequest | |
DescribeDatabaseResponse | |
DescribeEndpointsResponse | |
DescribeTableRequest | |
DescribeTableResponse | |
Dimension | Dimension represents the meta data attributes of the time series. For example, the name and availability zone of an EC2 instance or the name of the manufacturer of a wind turbine are dimensions. |
Endpoint | Represents an available endpoint against which to make API calls agaisnt, as well as the TTL for that endpoint. |
ListDatabasesRequest | |
ListDatabasesResponse | |
ListTablesRequest | |
ListTablesResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
MagneticStoreRejectedDataLocation | The location to write error reports for records rejected, asynchronously, during magnetic store writes. |
MagneticStoreWriteProperties | The set of properties on a table for configuring magnetic store writes. |
MeasureValue | MeasureValue represents the data attribute of the time series. For example, the CPU utilization of an EC2 instance or the RPM of a wind turbine are measures. MeasureValue has both name and value. |
Record | Record represents a time series data point being written into Timestream. Each record contains an array of dimensions. Dimensions represent the meta data attributes of a time series data point such as the instance name or availability zone of an EC2 instance. A record also contains the measure name which is the name of the measure being collected for example the CPU utilization of an EC2 instance. A record also contains the measure value and the value type which is the data type of the measure value. In addition, the record contains the timestamp when the measure was collected that the timestamp unit which represents the granularity of the timestamp. |
RecordsIngested | Information on the records ingested by this request. |
RetentionProperties | Retention properties contain the duration for which your time series data must be stored in the magnetic store and the memory store. |
S3Configuration | Configuration specifing an S3 location. |
Table | Table represents a database table in Timestream. Tables contain one or more related time series. You can modify the retention duration of the memory store and the magnetic store for a table. |
Tag | A tag is a label that you assign to a Timestream database and/or table. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. Tags enable you to categorize databases and/or tables, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. |
TagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateDatabaseRequest | |
UpdateDatabaseResponse | |
UpdateTableRequest | |
UpdateTableResponse | |
WriteRecordsRequest | |
WriteRecordsResponse |