import * as mod from "";
AccountSharingInfo | Information includes the Amazon Web Services account ID where the current document is shared and the version shared with that account. |
Activation | An activation registers one or more on-premises servers or virtual machines (VMs) with Amazon Web Services so that you can configure those servers or VMs using Run Command. A server or VM that has been registered with Amazon Web Services Systems Manager is called a managed node. |
AddTagsToResourceRequest | |
Alarm | A CloudWatch alarm you apply to an automation or command. |
AlarmConfiguration | The details for the CloudWatch alarm you want to apply to an automation or command. |
AlarmStateInformation | The details about the state of your CloudWatch alarm. |
AssociateOpsItemRelatedItemRequest | |
AssociateOpsItemRelatedItemResponse | |
Association | Describes an association of a Amazon Web Services Systems Manager document (SSM document) and a managed node. |
AssociationDescription | Describes the parameters for a document. |
AssociationExecution | Includes information about the specified association. |
AssociationExecutionFilter | Filters used in the request. |
AssociationExecutionTarget | Includes information about the specified association execution. |
AssociationExecutionTargetsFilter | Filters for the association execution. |
AssociationFilter | Describes a filter. |
AssociationOverview | Information about the association. |
AssociationStatus | Describes an association status. |
AssociationVersionInfo | Information about the association version. |
AttachmentContent | A structure that includes attributes that describe a document attachment. |
AttachmentInformation | An attribute of an attachment, such as the attachment name. |
AttachmentsSource | Identifying information about a document attachment, including the file name and a key-value pair that identifies the location of an attachment to a document. |
AutomationExecution | Detailed information about the current state of an individual Automation execution. |
AutomationExecutionFilter | A filter used to match specific automation executions. This is used to limit the scope of Automation execution information returned. |
AutomationExecutionMetadata | Details about a specific Automation execution. |
BaselineOverride | Defines the basic information about a patch baseline override. |
CancelCommandRequest | |
CancelMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest | |
CancelMaintenanceWindowExecutionResult | |
CloudWatchOutputConfig | Configuration options for sending command output to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. |
Command | Describes a command request. |
CommandFilter | Describes a command filter. |
CommandInvocation | An invocation is a copy of a command sent to a specific managed node.
A command can apply to one or more managed nodes.
A command invocation applies to one managed node.
For example, if a user runs |
CommandPlugin | Describes plugin details. |
ComplianceExecutionSummary | A summary of the call execution that includes an execution ID, the type of execution (for example, |
ComplianceItem | Information about the compliance as defined by the resource type.
For example, for a patch resource type, |
ComplianceItemEntry | Information about a compliance item. |
ComplianceStringFilter | One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. |
ComplianceSummaryItem | A summary of compliance information by compliance type. |
CompliantSummary | A summary of resources that are compliant. The summary is organized according to the resource count for each compliance type. |
CreateActivationRequest | |
CreateActivationResult | |
CreateAssociationBatchRequest | |
CreateAssociationBatchRequestEntry | Describes the association of a Amazon Web Services Systems Manager document (SSM document) and a managed node. |
CreateAssociationBatchResult | |
CreateAssociationRequest | |
CreateAssociationResult | |
CreateDocumentRequest | |
CreateDocumentResult | |
CreateMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
CreateMaintenanceWindowResult | |
CreateOpsItemRequest | |
CreateOpsItemResponse | |
CreateOpsMetadataRequest | |
CreateOpsMetadataResult | |
CreatePatchBaselineRequest | |
CreatePatchBaselineResult | |
CreateResourceDataSyncRequest | |
DeleteActivationRequest | |
DeleteAssociationRequest | |
DeleteDocumentRequest | |
DeleteInventoryRequest | |
DeleteInventoryResult | |
DeleteMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
DeleteMaintenanceWindowResult | |
DeleteOpsMetadataRequest | |
DeleteParameterRequest | |
DeleteParametersRequest | |
DeleteParametersResult | |
DeletePatchBaselineRequest | |
DeletePatchBaselineResult | |
DeleteResourceDataSyncRequest | |
DeleteResourcePolicyRequest | |
DeregisterManagedInstanceRequest | |
DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest | |
DeregisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupResult | |
DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
DeregisterTargetFromMaintenanceWindowResult | |
DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
DeregisterTaskFromMaintenanceWindowResult | |
DescribeActivationsFilter | Filter for the DescribeActivation API. |
DescribeActivationsRequest | |
DescribeActivationsResult | |
DescribeAssociationExecutionsRequest | |
DescribeAssociationExecutionsResult | |
DescribeAssociationExecutionTargetsRequest | |
DescribeAssociationExecutionTargetsResult | |
DescribeAssociationRequest | |
DescribeAssociationResult | |
DescribeAutomationExecutionsRequest | |
DescribeAutomationExecutionsResult | |
DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsRequest | |
DescribeAutomationStepExecutionsResult | |
DescribeAvailablePatchesRequest | |
DescribeAvailablePatchesResult | |
DescribeDocumentPermissionRequest | |
DescribeDocumentPermissionResponse | |
DescribeDocumentRequest | |
DescribeDocumentResult | |
DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsRequest | |
DescribeEffectiveInstanceAssociationsResult | |
DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineRequest | |
DescribeEffectivePatchesForPatchBaselineResult | |
DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusRequest | |
DescribeInstanceAssociationsStatusResult | |
DescribeInstanceInformationRequest | |
DescribeInstanceInformationResult | |
DescribeInstancePatchesRequest | |
DescribeInstancePatchesResult | |
DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupRequest | |
DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroupResult | |
DescribeInstancePatchStatesRequest | |
DescribeInstancePatchStatesResult | |
DescribeInventoryDeletionsRequest | |
DescribeInventoryDeletionsResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionsResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationsResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowExecutionTasksResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowScheduleRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowScheduleResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsForTargetRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsForTargetResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowsResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTargetsResult | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksRequest | |
DescribeMaintenanceWindowTasksResult | |
DescribeOpsItemsRequest | |
DescribeOpsItemsResponse | |
DescribeParametersRequest | |
DescribeParametersResult | |
DescribePatchBaselinesRequest | |
DescribePatchBaselinesResult | |
DescribePatchGroupsRequest | |
DescribePatchGroupsResult | |
DescribePatchGroupStateRequest | |
DescribePatchGroupStateResult | |
DescribePatchPropertiesRequest | |
DescribePatchPropertiesResult | |
DescribeSessionsRequest | |
DescribeSessionsResponse | |
DisassociateOpsItemRelatedItemRequest | |
DocumentDefaultVersionDescription | A default version of a document. |
DocumentDescription | Describes an Amazon Web Services Systems Manager document (SSM document). |
DocumentFilter | This data type is deprecated. Instead, use "DocumentKeyValuesFilter". |
DocumentIdentifier | Describes the name of a SSM document. |
DocumentKeyValuesFilter | One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of documents. |
DocumentMetadataResponseInfo | Details about the response to a document review request. |
DocumentParameter | Parameters specified in a Systems Manager document that run on the server when the command is run. |
DocumentRequires | An SSM document required by the current document. |
DocumentReviewCommentSource | Information about comments added to a document review request. |
DocumentReviewerResponseSource | Information about a reviewer's response to a document review request. |
DocumentReviews | Information about a document approval review. |
DocumentVersionInfo | Version information about the document. |
EffectivePatch | The |
FailedCreateAssociation | Describes a failed association. |
FailureDetails | Information about an Automation failure. |
GetAutomationExecutionRequest | |
GetAutomationExecutionResult | |
GetCalendarStateRequest | |
GetCalendarStateResponse | |
GetCommandInvocationRequest | |
GetCommandInvocationResult | |
GetConnectionStatusRequest | |
GetConnectionStatusResponse | |
GetDefaultPatchBaselineRequest | |
GetDefaultPatchBaselineResult | |
GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceRequest | |
GetDeployablePatchSnapshotForInstanceResult | |
GetDocumentRequest | |
GetDocumentResult | |
GetInventoryRequest | |
GetInventoryResult | |
GetInventorySchemaRequest | |
GetInventorySchemaResult | |
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionRequest | |
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionResult | |
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationRequest | |
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationResult | |
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskRequest | |
GetMaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskResult | |
GetMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
GetMaintenanceWindowResult | |
GetMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest | |
GetMaintenanceWindowTaskResult | |
GetOpsItemRequest | |
GetOpsItemResponse | |
GetOpsMetadataRequest | |
GetOpsMetadataResult | |
GetOpsSummaryRequest | |
GetOpsSummaryResult | |
GetParameterHistoryRequest | |
GetParameterHistoryResult | |
GetParameterRequest | |
GetParameterResult | |
GetParametersByPathRequest | |
GetParametersByPathResult | |
GetParametersRequest | |
GetParametersResult | |
GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest | |
GetPatchBaselineForPatchGroupResult | |
GetPatchBaselineRequest | |
GetPatchBaselineResult | |
GetResourcePoliciesRequest | |
GetResourcePoliciesResponse | |
GetResourcePoliciesResponseEntry | A resource policy helps you to define the IAM entity (for example, an Amazon Web Services account) that can manage your Systems Manager resources.
Currently, |
GetServiceSettingRequest | The request body of the GetServiceSetting API operation. |
GetServiceSettingResult | The query result body of the GetServiceSetting API operation. |
InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview | Status information about the aggregated associations. |
InstanceAssociation | One or more association documents on the managed node. |
InstanceAssociationOutputLocation | An S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. |
InstanceAssociationOutputUrl | The URL of S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. |
InstanceAssociationStatusInfo | Status information about the association. |
InstanceInformation | Describes a filter for a specific list of managed nodes. |
InstanceInformationFilter | Describes a filter for a specific list of managed nodes. You can filter node information by using tags. You specify tags by using a key-value mapping. |
InstanceInformationStringFilter | The filters to describe or get information about your managed nodes. |
InstancePatchState | Defines the high-level patch compliance state for a managed node, providing information about the number of installed, missing, not applicable, and failed patches along with metadata about the operation when this information was gathered for the managed node. |
InstancePatchStateFilter | Defines a filter used in "DescribeInstancePatchStatesForPatchGroup" to scope down the information returned by the API. |
InventoryAggregator | Specifies the inventory type and attribute for the aggregation execution. |
InventoryDeletionStatusItem | Status information returned by the |
InventoryDeletionSummary | Information about the delete operation. |
InventoryDeletionSummaryItem | Either a count, remaining count, or a version number in a delete inventory summary. |
InventoryFilter | One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. |
InventoryGroup | A user-defined set of one or more filters on which to aggregate inventory data. Groups return a count of resources that match and don't match the specified criteria. |
InventoryItem | Information collected from managed nodes based on your inventory policy document |
InventoryItemAttribute | Attributes are the entries within the inventory item content. It contains name and value. |
InventoryItemSchema | The inventory item schema definition. Users can use this to compose inventory query filters. |
InventoryResultEntity | Inventory query results. |
InventoryResultItem | The inventory result item. |
LabelParameterVersionRequest | |
LabelParameterVersionResult | |
ListAssociationsRequest | |
ListAssociationsResult | |
ListAssociationVersionsRequest | |
ListAssociationVersionsResult | |
ListCommandInvocationsRequest | |
ListCommandInvocationsResult | |
ListCommandsRequest | |
ListCommandsResult | |
ListComplianceItemsRequest | |
ListComplianceItemsResult | |
ListComplianceSummariesRequest | |
ListComplianceSummariesResult | |
ListDocumentMetadataHistoryRequest | |
ListDocumentMetadataHistoryResponse | |
ListDocumentsRequest | |
ListDocumentsResult | |
ListDocumentVersionsRequest | |
ListDocumentVersionsResult | |
ListInventoryEntriesRequest | |
ListInventoryEntriesResult | |
ListOpsItemEventsRequest | |
ListOpsItemEventsResponse | |
ListOpsItemRelatedItemsRequest | |
ListOpsItemRelatedItemsResponse | |
ListOpsMetadataRequest | |
ListOpsMetadataResult | |
ListResourceComplianceSummariesRequest | |
ListResourceComplianceSummariesResult | |
ListResourceDataSyncRequest | |
ListResourceDataSyncResult | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResult | |
LoggingInfo | Information about an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket to write managed node-level logs to. |
MaintenanceWindowAutomationParameters | The parameters for an |
MaintenanceWindowExecution | Describes the information about an execution of a maintenance window. |
MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskIdentity | Information about a task execution performed as part of a maintenance window execution. |
MaintenanceWindowExecutionTaskInvocationIdentity | Describes the information about a task invocation for a particular target as part of a task execution performed as part of a maintenance window execution. |
MaintenanceWindowFilter | Filter used in the request.
Supported filter keys depend on the API operation that includes the filter.
API operations that use |
MaintenanceWindowIdentity | Information about the maintenance window. |
MaintenanceWindowIdentityForTarget | The maintenance window to which the specified target belongs. |
MaintenanceWindowLambdaParameters | The parameters for a |
MaintenanceWindowRunCommandParameters | The parameters for a |
MaintenanceWindowStepFunctionsParameters | The parameters for a |
MaintenanceWindowTarget | The target registered with the maintenance window. |
MaintenanceWindowTask | Information about a task defined for a maintenance window. |
MaintenanceWindowTaskInvocationParameters | The parameters for task execution. |
MaintenanceWindowTaskParameterValueExpression | Defines the values for a task parameter. |
MetadataValue | Metadata to assign to an Application Manager application. |
ModifyDocumentPermissionRequest | |
NonCompliantSummary | A summary of resources that aren't compliant. The summary is organized according to resource type. |
NotificationConfig | Configurations for sending notifications. |
OpsAggregator | One or more aggregators for viewing counts of OpsData using different dimensions such as |
OpsEntity | The result of the query. |
OpsEntityItem | The OpsData summary. |
OpsFilter | A filter for viewing OpsData summaries. |
OpsItem | Operations engineers and IT professionals use Amazon Web Services Systems Manager OpsCenter to view, investigate, and remediate operational work items (OpsItems) impacting the performance and health of their Amazon Web Services resources. OpsCenter is integrated with Amazon EventBridge and Amazon CloudWatch. This means you can configure these services to automatically create an OpsItem in OpsCenter when a CloudWatch alarm enters the ALARM state or when EventBridge processes an event from any Amazon Web Services service that publishes events. Configuring Amazon CloudWatch alarms and EventBridge events to automatically create OpsItems allows you to quickly diagnose and remediate issues with Amazon Web Services resources from a single console. |
OpsItemDataValue | An object that defines the value of the key and its type in the OperationalData map. |
OpsItemEventFilter | Describes a filter for a specific list of OpsItem events. You can filter event information by using tags. You specify tags by using a key-value pair mapping. |
OpsItemEventSummary | Summary information about an OpsItem event or that associated an OpsItem with a related item. |
OpsItemFilter | Describes an OpsItem filter. |
OpsItemIdentity | Information about the user or resource that created an OpsItem event. |
OpsItemNotification | A notification about the OpsItem. |
OpsItemRelatedItemsFilter | Describes a filter for a specific list of related-item resources. |
OpsItemRelatedItemSummary | Summary information about related-item resources for an OpsItem. |
OpsItemSummary | A count of OpsItems. |
OpsMetadata | Operational metadata for an application in Application Manager. |
OpsMetadataFilter | A filter to limit the number of OpsMetadata objects displayed. |
OpsResultAttribute | The OpsItem data type to return. |
OutputSource | Information about the source where the association execution details are stored. |
Parameter | An Amazon Web Services Systems Manager parameter in Parameter Store. |
ParameterHistory | Information about parameter usage. |
ParameterInlinePolicy | One or more policies assigned to a parameter. |
ParameterMetadata | Metadata includes information like the ARN of the last user and the date/time the parameter was last used. |
ParametersFilter | This data type is deprecated. Instead, use "ParameterStringFilter". |
ParameterStringFilter | One or more filters. Use a filter to return a more specific list of results. |
Patch | Represents metadata about a patch. |
PatchBaselineIdentity | Defines the basic information about a patch baseline. |
PatchComplianceData | Information about the state of a patch on a particular managed node as it relates to the patch baseline used to patch the node. |
PatchFilter | Defines which patches should be included in a patch baseline. |
PatchFilterGroup | A set of patch filters, typically used for approval rules. |
PatchGroupPatchBaselineMapping | The mapping between a patch group and the patch baseline the patch group is registered with. |
PatchOrchestratorFilter | Defines a filter used in Patch Manager APIs.
Supported filter keys depend on the API operation that includes the filter.
Patch Manager API operations that use |
PatchRule | Defines an approval rule for a patch baseline. |
PatchRuleGroup | A set of rules defining the approval rules for a patch baseline. |
PatchSource | Information about the patches to use to update the managed nodes, including target operating systems and source repository. Applies to Linux managed nodes only. |
PatchStatus | Information about the approval status of a patch. |
ProgressCounters | An aggregate of step execution statuses displayed in the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager console for a multi-Region and multi-account Automation execution. |
PutComplianceItemsRequest | |
PutInventoryRequest | |
PutInventoryResult | |
PutParameterRequest | |
PutParameterResult | |
PutResourcePolicyRequest | |
PutResourcePolicyResponse | |
RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineRequest | |
RegisterDefaultPatchBaselineResult | |
RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupRequest | |
RegisterPatchBaselineForPatchGroupResult | |
RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
RegisterTargetWithMaintenanceWindowResult | |
RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
RegisterTaskWithMaintenanceWindowResult | |
RegistrationMetadataItem | Reserved for internal use. |
RelatedOpsItem | An OpsItems that shares something in common with the current OpsItem. For example, related OpsItems can include OpsItems with similar error messages, impacted resources, or statuses for the impacted resource. |
RemoveTagsFromResourceRequest | |
ResetServiceSettingRequest | The request body of the ResetServiceSetting API operation. |
ResetServiceSettingResult | The result body of the ResetServiceSetting API operation. |
ResolvedTargets | Information about targets that resolved during the Automation execution. |
ResourceComplianceSummaryItem | Compliance summary information for a specific resource. |
ResourceDataSyncAwsOrganizationsSource | Information about the |
ResourceDataSyncDestinationDataSharing | Synchronize Amazon Web Services Systems Manager Inventory data from multiple Amazon Web Services accounts defined in Organizations to a centralized Amazon S3 bucket. Data is synchronized to individual key prefixes in the central bucket. Each key prefix represents a different Amazon Web Services account ID. |
ResourceDataSyncItem | Information about a resource data sync configuration, including its current status and last successful sync. |
ResourceDataSyncOrganizationalUnit | The Organizations organizational unit data source for the sync. |
ResourceDataSyncS3Destination | Information about the target S3 bucket for the resource data sync. |
ResourceDataSyncSource | Information about the source of the data included in the resource data sync. |
ResourceDataSyncSourceWithState | The data type name for including resource data sync state. There are four sync states: |
ResultAttribute | The inventory item result attribute. |
ResumeSessionRequest | |
ResumeSessionResponse | |
ReviewInformation | Information about the result of a document review request. |
Runbook | Information about an Automation runbook used in a runbook workflow in Change Manager. |
S3OutputLocation | An S3 bucket where you want to store the results of this request. |
S3OutputUrl | A URL for the Amazon Web Services Systems Manager (Systems Manager) bucket where you want to store the results of this request. |
ScheduledWindowExecution | Information about a scheduled execution for a maintenance window. |
SendAutomationSignalRequest | |
SendCommandRequest | |
SendCommandResult | |
ServiceSetting | The service setting data structure. |
Session | Information about a Session Manager connection to a managed node. |
SessionFilter | Describes a filter for Session Manager information. |
SessionManagerOutputUrl | Reserved for future use. |
SeveritySummary | The number of managed nodes found for each patch severity level defined in the request filter. |
StartAssociationsOnceRequest | |
StartAutomationExecutionRequest | |
StartAutomationExecutionResult | |
StartChangeRequestExecutionRequest | |
StartChangeRequestExecutionResult | |
StartSessionRequest | |
StartSessionResponse | |
StepExecution | Detailed information about an the execution state of an Automation step. |
StepExecutionFilter | A filter to limit the amount of step execution information returned by the call. |
StopAutomationExecutionRequest | |
Tag | Metadata that you assign to your Amazon Web Services resources. Tags enable you to categorize your resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner, or environment. In Amazon Web Services Systems Manager, you can apply tags to Systems Manager documents (SSM documents), managed nodes, maintenance windows, parameters, patch baselines, OpsItems, and OpsMetadata. |
Target | An array of search criteria that targets managed nodes using a key-value pair that you specify. |
TargetLocation | The combination of Amazon Web Services Regions and Amazon Web Services accounts targeted by the current Automation execution. |
TerminateSessionRequest | |
TerminateSessionResponse | |
UnlabelParameterVersionRequest | |
UnlabelParameterVersionResult | |
UpdateAssociationRequest | |
UpdateAssociationResult | |
UpdateAssociationStatusRequest | |
UpdateAssociationStatusResult | |
UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionRequest | |
UpdateDocumentDefaultVersionResult | |
UpdateDocumentMetadataRequest | |
UpdateDocumentRequest | |
UpdateDocumentResult | |
UpdateMaintenanceWindowRequest | |
UpdateMaintenanceWindowResult | |
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetRequest | |
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTargetResult | |
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskRequest | |
UpdateMaintenanceWindowTaskResult | |
UpdateManagedInstanceRoleRequest | |
UpdateOpsItemRequest | |
UpdateOpsMetadataRequest | |
UpdateOpsMetadataResult | |
UpdatePatchBaselineRequest | |
UpdatePatchBaselineResult | |
UpdateResourceDataSyncRequest | |
UpdateServiceSettingRequest | The request body of the UpdateServiceSetting API operation. |