import * as mod from "";
AddPermissionInput | |
BatchResultErrorEntry | Gives a detailed description of failed messages in the batch. |
CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutInput | The input for the |
CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse | The response from the |
ConfirmSubscriptionInput | Input for ConfirmSubscription action. |
ConfirmSubscriptionResponse | Response for ConfirmSubscriptions action. |
CreateEndpointResponse | Response from CreateEndpoint action. |
CreatePlatformApplicationInput | Input for CreatePlatformApplication action. |
CreatePlatformApplicationResponse | Response from CreatePlatformApplication action. |
CreatePlatformEndpointInput | Input for CreatePlatformEndpoint action. |
CreateSMSSandboxPhoneNumberInput | |
CreateTopicInput | Input for CreateTopic action. |
CreateTopicResponse | Response from CreateTopic action. |
DeleteEndpointInput | Input for DeleteEndpoint action. |
DeletePlatformApplicationInput | Input for DeletePlatformApplication action. |
DeleteSMSSandboxPhoneNumberInput | |
DeleteTopicInput | |
Endpoint | The endpoint for mobile app and device. |
GetDataProtectionPolicyInput | |
GetDataProtectionPolicyResponse | |
GetEndpointAttributesInput | Input for GetEndpointAttributes action. |
GetEndpointAttributesResponse | Response from GetEndpointAttributes of the EndpointArn. |
GetPlatformApplicationAttributesInput | Input for GetPlatformApplicationAttributes action. |
GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse | Response for GetPlatformApplicationAttributes action. |
GetSMSAttributesInput | The input for the |
GetSMSAttributesResponse | The response from the |
GetSMSSandboxAccountStatusResult | |
GetSubscriptionAttributesInput | Input for GetSubscriptionAttributes. |
GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse | Response for GetSubscriptionAttributes action. |
GetTopicAttributesInput | Input for GetTopicAttributes action. |
GetTopicAttributesResponse | Response for GetTopicAttributes action. |
ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationInput | Input for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action. |
ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse | Response for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication action. |
ListOriginationNumbersRequest | |
ListOriginationNumbersResult | |
ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutInput | The input for the |
ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse | The response from the |
ListPlatformApplicationsInput | Input for ListPlatformApplications action. |
ListPlatformApplicationsResponse | Response for ListPlatformApplications action. |
ListSMSSandboxPhoneNumbersInput | |
ListSMSSandboxPhoneNumbersResult | |
ListSubscriptionsByTopicInput | Input for ListSubscriptionsByTopic action. |
ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse | Response for ListSubscriptionsByTopic action. |
ListSubscriptionsInput | Input for ListSubscriptions action. |
ListSubscriptionsResponse | Response for ListSubscriptions action |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
ListTopicsInput | |
ListTopicsResponse | Response for ListTopics action. |
MessageAttributeValue | The user-specified message attribute value. For string data types, the value attribute has the same restrictions on the content as the message body. For more information, see Publish. |
OptInPhoneNumberInput | Input for the OptInPhoneNumber action. |
PhoneNumberInformation | A list of phone numbers and their metadata. |
PlatformApplication | Platform application object. |
PublishBatchInput | |
PublishBatchRequestEntry | Contains the details of a single Amazon SNS message along with an |
PublishBatchResponse | |
PublishBatchResultEntry | Encloses data related to a successful message in a batch request for topic. |
PublishInput | Input for Publish action. |
PublishResponse | Response for Publish action. |
PutDataProtectionPolicyInput | |
RemovePermissionInput | Input for RemovePermission action. |
SetEndpointAttributesInput | Input for SetEndpointAttributes action. |
SetPlatformApplicationAttributesInput | Input for SetPlatformApplicationAttributes action. |
SetSMSAttributesInput | The input for the SetSMSAttributes action. |
SetSubscriptionAttributesInput | Input for SetSubscriptionAttributes action. |
SetTopicAttributesInput | Input for SetTopicAttributes action. |
SMSSandboxPhoneNumber | A verified or pending destination phone number in the SMS sandbox. |
SubscribeInput | Input for Subscribe action. |
SubscribeResponse | Response for Subscribe action. |
Subscription | A wrapper type for the attributes of an Amazon SNS subscription. |
Tag | The list of tags to be added to the specified topic. |
TagResourceRequest | |
Topic | A wrapper type for the topic's Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
To retrieve a topic's attributes, use |
UnsubscribeInput | Input for Unsubscribe action. |
UntagResourceRequest | |
VerifySMSSandboxPhoneNumberInput |
LanguageCodeString | Supported language code for sending OTP message |
NumberCapability | Enum listing out all supported number capabilities. |
RouteType | Enum listing out all supported route types. The following enum values are supported. 1. Transactional : Non-marketing traffic 2. Promotional : Marketing 3. Premium : Premium routes for OTP delivery to the carriers |
SMSSandboxPhoneNumberVerificationStatus | Enum listing out all supported destination phone number verification statuses. The following enum values are supported. 1. PENDING : The destination phone number is pending verification. 2. VERIFIED : The destination phone number is verified. |