import * as mod from "";
SimSpaceWeaver |
CloudWatchLogsLogGroup | The Amazon CloudWatch Logs log group for the simulation. For more information about log groups, see Working with log groups and log streams in the Amazon CloudWatch Logs User Guide. |
DeleteAppInput | |
DeleteSimulationInput | |
DescribeAppInput | |
DescribeAppOutput | |
DescribeSimulationInput | |
DescribeSimulationOutput | |
Domain | A collection of app instances that run the same executable app code and have the same launch options and commands. |
LaunchOverrides | Options that apply when the app starts. These optiAons override default behavior. |
ListAppsInput | |
ListAppsOutput | |
ListSimulationsInput | |
ListSimulationsOutput | |
ListTagsForResourceInput | |
ListTagsForResourceOutput | |
LiveSimulationState | A collection of additional state information, such as domain and clock configuration. |
LogDestination | The location where SimSpace Weaver sends simulation log data. |
LoggingConfiguration | The logging configuration for a simulation. |
S3Location | A location in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) where SimSpace Weaver stores simulation data, such as your app zip files and schema file. For more information about Amazon S3, see the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide. |
SimulationAppEndpointInfo | Information about the network endpoint that you can use to connect to your custom or service app. |
SimulationAppMetadata | A collection of metadata about an app. |
SimulationAppPortMapping | A collection of TCP/UDP ports for a custom or service app. |
SimulationClock | Status information about the simulation clock. |
SimulationMetadata | A collection of data about the simulation. |
StartAppInput | |
StartAppOutput | |
StartClockInput | |
StartSimulationInput | |
StartSimulationOutput | |
StopAppInput | |
StopClockInput | |
StopSimulationInput | |
TagResourceInput | |
UntagResourceInput |