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ResourceGroups |
AccountSettings | The Resource Groups settings for this Amazon Web Services account. |
CreateGroupInput | |
CreateGroupOutput | |
DeleteGroupInput | |
DeleteGroupOutput | |
FailedResource | A resource that failed to be added to or removed from a group. |
GetAccountSettingsOutput | |
GetGroupConfigurationInput | |
GetGroupConfigurationOutput | |
GetGroupInput | |
GetGroupOutput | |
GetGroupQueryInput | |
GetGroupQueryOutput | |
GetTagsInput | |
GetTagsOutput | |
Group | A resource group that contains Amazon Web Services resources. You can assign resources to the group by associating either of the following elements with the group: |
GroupConfiguration | A service configuration associated with a resource group.
The configuration options are determined by the Amazon Web Services service that defines the |
GroupConfigurationItem | An item in a group configuration. A group service configuration can have one or more items. For details about group service configuration syntax, see Service configurations for resource groups. |
GroupConfigurationParameter | A parameter for a group configuration item. For details about group service configuration syntax, see Service configurations for resource groups. |
GroupFilter | A filter collection that you can use to restrict the results from a |
GroupIdentifier | The unique identifiers for a resource group. |
GroupQuery | A mapping of a query attached to a resource group that determines the Amazon Web Services resources that are members of the group. |
GroupResourcesInput | |
GroupResourcesOutput | |
ListGroupResourcesInput | |
ListGroupResourcesItem | A structure returned by the "ListGroupResources" operation that contains identity and group membership status information for one of the resources in the group. |
ListGroupResourcesOutput | |
ListGroupsInput | |
ListGroupsOutput | |
PendingResource | A structure that identifies a resource that is currently pending addition to the group as a member. Adding a resource to a resource group happens asynchronously as a background task and this one isn't completed yet. |
PutGroupConfigurationInput | |
QueryError | A two-part error structure that can occur in |
ResourceFilter | A filter name and value pair that is used to obtain more specific results from a list of resources. |
ResourceIdentifier | A structure that contains the ARN of a resource and its resource type. |
ResourceQuery | The query you can use to define a resource group or a search for resources.
A |
ResourceStatus | A structure that identifies the current group membership status for a resource.
Adding a resource to a resource group is performed asynchronously as a background task.
A |
SearchResourcesInput | |
SearchResourcesOutput | |
TagInput | |
TagOutput | |
UngroupResourcesInput | |
UngroupResourcesOutput | |
UntagInput | |
UntagOutput | |
UpdateAccountSettingsInput | |
UpdateAccountSettingsOutput | |
UpdateGroupInput | |
UpdateGroupOutput | |
UpdateGroupQueryInput | |
UpdateGroupQueryOutput |