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RDSDataService |
ArrayValue | Contains an array. |
BatchExecuteStatementRequest | The request parameters represent the input of a SQL statement over an array of data. |
BatchExecuteStatementResponse | The response elements represent the output of a SQL statement over an array of data. |
BeginTransactionRequest | The request parameters represent the input of a request to start a SQL transaction. |
BeginTransactionResponse | The response elements represent the output of a request to start a SQL transaction. |
ColumnMetadata | Contains the metadata for a column. |
CommitTransactionRequest | The request parameters represent the input of a commit transaction request. |
CommitTransactionResponse | The response elements represent the output of a commit transaction request. |
ExecuteSqlRequest | The request parameters represent the input of a request to run one or more SQL statements. |
ExecuteSqlResponse | The response elements represent the output of a request to run one or more SQL statements. |
ExecuteStatementRequest | The request parameters represent the input of a request to run a SQL statement against a database. |
ExecuteStatementResponse | The response elements represent the output of a request to run a SQL statement against a database. |
Field | Contains a value. |
Record | A record returned by a call. |
ResultFrame | The result set returned by a SQL statement. |
ResultSetMetadata | The metadata of the result set returned by a SQL statement. |
ResultSetOptions | Options that control how the result set is returned. |
RollbackTransactionRequest | The request parameters represent the input of a request to perform a rollback of a transaction. |
RollbackTransactionResponse | The response elements represent the output of a request to perform a rollback of a transaction. |
SqlParameter | A parameter used in a SQL statement. |
SqlStatementResult | TODO: Failed to render documentation: unhandled top level doc tag pre |
StructValue | A structure value returned by a call. |
UpdateResult | The response elements represent the results of an update. |
Value | TODO: Failed to render documentation: unhandled top level doc tag pre |