import * as mod from "";
AgentVersion | Describes an agent version. |
App | A description of the app. |
AssignInstanceRequest | |
AssignVolumeRequest | |
AssociateElasticIpRequest | |
AttachElasticLoadBalancerRequest | |
AutoScalingThresholds | Describes a load-based auto scaling upscaling or downscaling threshold configuration, which specifies when AWS OpsWorks Stacks starts or stops load-based instances. |
BlockDeviceMapping | Describes a block device mapping. This data type maps directly to the Amazon EC2 BlockDeviceMapping data type. |
ChefConfiguration | Describes the Chef configuration. |
CloneStackRequest | |
CloneStackResult | Contains the response to a |
CloudWatchLogsConfiguration | Describes the Amazon CloudWatch logs configuration for a layer. |
CloudWatchLogsLogStream | Describes the Amazon CloudWatch logs configuration for a layer. For detailed information about members of this data type, see the CloudWatch Logs Agent Reference. |
Command | Describes a command. |
CreateAppRequest | |
CreateAppResult | Contains the response to a |
CreateDeploymentRequest | |
CreateDeploymentResult | Contains the response to a |
CreateInstanceRequest | |
CreateInstanceResult | Contains the response to a |
CreateLayerRequest | |
CreateLayerResult | Contains the response to a |
CreateStackRequest | |
CreateStackResult | Contains the response to a |
CreateUserProfileRequest | |
CreateUserProfileResult | Contains the response to a |
DataSource | Describes an app's data source. |
DeleteAppRequest | |
DeleteInstanceRequest | |
DeleteLayerRequest | |
DeleteStackRequest | |
DeleteUserProfileRequest | |
Deployment | Describes a deployment of a stack or app. |
DeploymentCommand | Used to specify a stack or deployment command. |
DeregisterEcsClusterRequest | |
DeregisterElasticIpRequest | |
DeregisterInstanceRequest | |
DeregisterRdsDbInstanceRequest | |
DeregisterVolumeRequest | |
DescribeAgentVersionsRequest | |
DescribeAgentVersionsResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeAppsRequest | |
DescribeAppsResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeCommandsRequest | |
DescribeCommandsResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeDeploymentsRequest | |
DescribeDeploymentsResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeEcsClustersRequest | |
DescribeEcsClustersResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeElasticIpsRequest | |
DescribeElasticIpsResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeElasticLoadBalancersRequest | |
DescribeElasticLoadBalancersResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeInstancesRequest | |
DescribeInstancesResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeLayersRequest | |
DescribeLayersResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeLoadBasedAutoScalingRequest | |
DescribeLoadBasedAutoScalingResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeMyUserProfileResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeOperatingSystemsResponse | The response to a |
DescribePermissionsRequest | |
DescribePermissionsResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeRaidArraysRequest | |
DescribeRaidArraysResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeRdsDbInstancesRequest | |
DescribeRdsDbInstancesResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeServiceErrorsRequest | |
DescribeServiceErrorsResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeStackProvisioningParametersRequest | |
DescribeStackProvisioningParametersResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeStacksRequest | |
DescribeStacksResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeStackSummaryRequest | |
DescribeStackSummaryResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeTimeBasedAutoScalingRequest | |
DescribeTimeBasedAutoScalingResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeUserProfilesRequest | |
DescribeUserProfilesResult | Contains the response to a |
DescribeVolumesRequest | |
DescribeVolumesResult | Contains the response to a |
DetachElasticLoadBalancerRequest | |
DisassociateElasticIpRequest | |
EbsBlockDevice | Describes an Amazon EBS volume. This data type maps directly to the Amazon EC2 EbsBlockDevice data type. |
EcsCluster | Describes a registered Amazon ECS cluster. |
ElasticIp | Describes an Elastic IP address. |
ElasticLoadBalancer | Describes an Elastic Load Balancing instance. |
EnvironmentVariable | Represents an app's environment variable. |
GetHostnameSuggestionRequest | |
GetHostnameSuggestionResult | Contains the response to a |
GrantAccessRequest | |
GrantAccessResult | Contains the response to a |
Instance | Describes an instance. |
InstanceIdentity | Contains a description of an Amazon EC2 instance from the Amazon EC2 metadata service. For more information, see Instance Metadata and User Data. |
InstancesCount | Describes how many instances a stack has for each status. |
Layer | Describes a layer. |
LifecycleEventConfiguration | Specifies the lifecycle event configuration |
ListTagsRequest | |
ListTagsResult | Contains the response to a |
LoadBasedAutoScalingConfiguration | Describes a layer's load-based auto scaling configuration. |
OperatingSystem | Describes supported operating systems in AWS OpsWorks Stacks. |
OperatingSystemConfigurationManager | A block that contains information about the configuration manager (Chef) and the versions of the configuration manager that are supported for an operating system. |
Permission | Describes stack or user permissions. |
RaidArray | Describes an instance's RAID array. |
RdsDbInstance | Describes an Amazon RDS instance. |
RebootInstanceRequest | |
Recipes | AWS OpsWorks Stacks supports five lifecycle events: setup, configuration, deploy, undeploy, and shutdown.
For each layer, AWS OpsWorks Stacks runs a set of standard recipes for each event.
In addition, you can provide custom recipes for any or all layers and events.
AWS OpsWorks Stacks runs custom event recipes after the standard recipes.
RegisterEcsClusterRequest | |
RegisterEcsClusterResult | Contains the response to a |
RegisterElasticIpRequest | |
RegisterElasticIpResult | Contains the response to a |
RegisterInstanceRequest | |
RegisterInstanceResult | Contains the response to a |
RegisterRdsDbInstanceRequest | |
RegisterVolumeRequest | |
RegisterVolumeResult | Contains the response to a |
ReportedOs | A registered instance's reported operating system. |
SelfUserProfile | Describes a user's SSH information. |
ServiceError | Describes an AWS OpsWorks Stacks service error. |
SetLoadBasedAutoScalingRequest | |
SetPermissionRequest | |
SetTimeBasedAutoScalingRequest | |
ShutdownEventConfiguration | The Shutdown event configuration. |
Source | Contains the information required to retrieve an app or cookbook from a repository. For more information, see Creating Apps or Custom Recipes and Cookbooks. |
SslConfiguration | Describes an app's SSL configuration. |
Stack | Describes a stack. |
StackConfigurationManager | Describes the configuration manager. |
StackSummary | Summarizes the number of layers, instances, and apps in a stack. |
StartInstanceRequest | |
StartStackRequest | |
StopInstanceRequest | |
StopStackRequest | |
TagResourceRequest | |
TemporaryCredential | Contains the data needed by RDP clients such as the Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection to log in to the instance. |
TimeBasedAutoScalingConfiguration | Describes an instance's time-based auto scaling configuration. |
UnassignInstanceRequest | |
UnassignVolumeRequest | |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateAppRequest | |
UpdateElasticIpRequest | |
UpdateInstanceRequest | |
UpdateLayerRequest | |
UpdateMyUserProfileRequest | |
UpdateRdsDbInstanceRequest | |
UpdateStackRequest | |
UpdateUserProfileRequest | |
UpdateVolumeRequest | |
UserProfile | Describes a user's SSH information. |
Volume | Describes an instance's Amazon EBS volume. |
VolumeConfiguration | Describes an Amazon EBS volume configuration. |
WeeklyAutoScalingSchedule | Describes a time-based instance's auto scaling schedule. The schedule consists of a set of key-value pairs. |
AppAttributesKeys | |
AppType | |
Architecture | |
AutoScalingType | |
CloudWatchLogsEncoding | Specifies the encoding of the log file so that the file can be read correctly.
The default is |
CloudWatchLogsInitialPosition | Specifies where to start to read data (start_of_file or end_of_file). The default is start_of_file. It's only used if there is no state persisted for that log stream. |
CloudWatchLogsTimeZone | The preferred time zone for logs streamed to CloudWatch Logs.
Valid values are |
DeploymentCommandName | |
LayerAttributesKeys | |
LayerType | |
RootDeviceType | |
SourceType | |
StackAttributesKeys | |
VirtualizationType | |
VolumeType |