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OpenSearch |
AcceptInboundConnectionRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
AcceptInboundConnectionResponse | Contains details about the accepted inbound connection. |
AccessPoliciesStatus | The configured access rules for the domain's search endpoint, and the current status of those rules. |
AdditionalLimit | List of limits that are specific to a given instance type. |
AddTagsRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
AdvancedOptionsStatus | Status of the advanced options for the specified domain. The following options are available: |
AdvancedSecurityOptions | Container for fine-grained access control settings. |
AdvancedSecurityOptionsInput | Options for enabling and configuring fine-grained access control. For more information, see Fine-grained access control in Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
AdvancedSecurityOptionsStatus | The status of fine-grained access control settings for a domain. |
AssociatePackageRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
AssociatePackageResponse | Container for the response returned by the |
AuthorizedPrincipal | Information about an Amazon Web Services account or service that has access to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain through the use of an interface VPC endpoint. |
AuthorizeVpcEndpointAccessRequest | |
AuthorizeVpcEndpointAccessResponse | |
AutoTune | Information about an Auto-Tune action. For more information, see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
AutoTuneDetails | Specifies details about a scheduled Auto-Tune action. For more information, see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
AutoTuneMaintenanceSchedule | Note: This object is deprecated. Use the domain's off-peak window to schedule Auto-Tune optimizations. For migration instructions, see Migrating from Auto-Tune maintenance windows. |
AutoTuneOptions | Auto-Tune settings when updating a domain. For more information, see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
AutoTuneOptionsInput | Options for configuring Auto-Tune. For more information, see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service |
AutoTuneOptionsOutput | The Auto-Tune settings for a domain, displayed when enabling or disabling Auto-Tune. |
AutoTuneOptionsStatus | The Auto-Tune status for the domain. |
AutoTuneStatus | The current status of Auto-Tune for the domain. For more information, see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
AWSDomainInformation | Information about an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. |
CancelServiceSoftwareUpdateRequest | Container for the request parameters to cancel a service software update. |
CancelServiceSoftwareUpdateResponse | Container for the response to a |
ChangeProgressDetails | Container for information about a configuration change happening on a domain. |
ChangeProgressStage | Progress details for each stage of a domain update. |
ChangeProgressStatusDetails | The progress details of a specific domain configuration change. |
ClusterConfig | Container for the cluster configuration of an OpenSearch Service domain. For more information, see Creating and managing Amazon OpenSearch Service domains. |
ClusterConfigStatus | The cluster configuration status for a domain. |
CognitoOptions | Container for the parameters required to enable Cognito authentication for an OpenSearch Service domain. For more information, see Configuring Amazon Cognito authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards. |
CognitoOptionsStatus | The status of the Cognito options for the specified domain. |
ColdStorageOptions | Container for the parameters required to enable cold storage for an OpenSearch Service domain. For more information, see Cold storage for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
CompatibleVersionsMap | A map of OpenSearch or Elasticsearch versions and the versions you can upgrade them to. |
ConnectionProperties | The connection properties of an outbound connection. |
CreateDomainRequest | |
CreateDomainResponse | The result of a |
CreateOutboundConnectionRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
CreateOutboundConnectionResponse | The result of a |
CreatePackageRequest | Container for request parameters to the |
CreatePackageResponse | Container for the response returned by the |
CreateVpcEndpointRequest | |
CreateVpcEndpointResponse | |
DeleteDomainRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DeleteDomainResponse | The results of a |
DeleteInboundConnectionRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DeleteInboundConnectionResponse | The results of a |
DeleteOutboundConnectionRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DeleteOutboundConnectionResponse | Details about the deleted outbound connection. |
DeletePackageRequest | Deletes a package from OpenSearch Service. The package can't be associated with any OpenSearch Service domain. |
DeletePackageResponse | Container for the response parameters to the |
DeleteVpcEndpointRequest | |
DeleteVpcEndpointResponse | |
DescribeDomainAutoTunesRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeDomainAutoTunesResponse | The result of a |
DescribeDomainChangeProgressRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeDomainChangeProgressResponse | The result of a |
DescribeDomainConfigRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeDomainConfigResponse | Contains the configuration information of the requested domain. |
DescribeDomainRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeDomainResponse | Contains the status of the domain specified in the request. |
DescribeDomainsRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeDomainsResponse | Contains the status of the specified domains or all domains owned by the account. |
DescribeDryRunProgressRequest | |
DescribeDryRunProgressResponse | |
DescribeInboundConnectionsRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeInboundConnectionsResponse | Contains a list of connections matching the filter criteria. |
DescribeInstanceTypeLimitsRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeInstanceTypeLimitsResponse | Container for the parameters received from the |
DescribeOutboundConnectionsRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
DescribeOutboundConnectionsResponse | Contains a list of connections matching the filter criteria. |
DescribePackagesFilter | A filter to apply to the |
DescribePackagesRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
DescribePackagesResponse | Container for the response returned by the |
DescribeReservedInstanceOfferingsRequest | Container for the request parameters to a |
DescribeReservedInstanceOfferingsResponse | Container for results of a |
DescribeReservedInstancesRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
DescribeReservedInstancesResponse | Container for results from |
DescribeVpcEndpointsRequest | |
DescribeVpcEndpointsResponse | |
DissociatePackageRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
DissociatePackageResponse | Container for the response returned by an |
DomainConfig | Container for the configuration of an OpenSearch Service domain. |
DomainEndpointOptions | Options to configure a custom endpoint for an OpenSearch Service domain. |
DomainEndpointOptionsStatus | The configured endpoint options for a domain and their current status. |
DomainInfo | Information about an OpenSearch Service domain. |
DomainInformationContainer | Container for information about an OpenSearch Service domain. |
DomainPackageDetails | Information about a package that is associated with a domain. For more information, see Custom packages for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
DomainStatus | The current status of an OpenSearch Service domain. |
DryRunProgressStatus | Information about the progress of a pre-upgrade dry run analysis. |
DryRunResults | Results of a dry run performed in an update domain request. |
Duration | The duration of a maintenance schedule. For more information, see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
EBSOptions | Container for the parameters required to enable EBS-based storage for an OpenSearch Service domain. |
EBSOptionsStatus | The status of the EBS options for the specified OpenSearch Service domain. |
EncryptionAtRestOptions | Specifies whether the domain should encrypt data at rest, and if so, the Key Management Service (KMS) key to use. Can be used only to create a new domain, not update an existing one. |
EncryptionAtRestOptionsStatus | Status of the encryption at rest options for the specified OpenSearch Service domain. |
ErrorDetails | Additional information if the package is in an error state. Null otherwise. |
Filter | A filter used to limit results when describing inbound or outbound cross-cluster connections. You can specify multiple values per filter. A cross-cluster connection must match at least one of the specified values for it to be returned from an operation. |
GetCompatibleVersionsRequest | Container for the request parameters to |
GetCompatibleVersionsResponse | Container for the response returned by the |
GetPackageVersionHistoryRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
GetPackageVersionHistoryResponse | Container for response returned by |
GetUpgradeHistoryRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
GetUpgradeHistoryResponse | Container for the response returned by the |
GetUpgradeStatusRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
GetUpgradeStatusResponse | Container for the response returned by the |
InboundConnection | Describes an inbound cross-cluster connection for Amazon OpenSearch Service. For more information, see Cross-cluster search for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
InboundConnectionStatus | The status of an inbound cross-cluster connection for OpenSearch Service. |
InstanceCountLimits | Limits on the number of instances that can be created in OpenSearch Service for a given instance type. |
InstanceLimits | Instance-related attributes that are available for a given instance type. |
InstanceTypeDetails | Lists all instance types and available features for a given OpenSearch or Elasticsearch version. |
Limits | Limits for a given instance type and for each of its roles. |
ListDomainNamesRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
ListDomainNamesResponse | The results of a |
ListDomainsForPackageRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
ListDomainsForPackageResponse | Container for the response parameters to the |
ListInstanceTypeDetailsRequest | |
ListInstanceTypeDetailsResponse | |
ListPackagesForDomainRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
ListPackagesForDomainResponse | Container for the response parameters to the |
ListScheduledActionsRequest | |
ListScheduledActionsResponse | |
ListTagsRequest | Container for the parameters to the |
ListTagsResponse | The results of a |
ListVersionsRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
ListVersionsResponse | Container for the parameters for response received from the |
ListVpcEndpointAccessRequest | |
ListVpcEndpointAccessResponse | |
ListVpcEndpointsForDomainRequest | |
ListVpcEndpointsForDomainResponse | |
ListVpcEndpointsRequest | |
ListVpcEndpointsResponse | |
LogPublishingOption | Specifies whether the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain publishes the OpenSearch application and slow logs to Amazon CloudWatch. For more information, see Monitoring OpenSearch logs with Amazon CloudWatch Logs. |
LogPublishingOptionsStatus | The configured log publishing options for the domain and their current status. |
MasterUserOptions | Credentials for the master user for a domain. |
NodeToNodeEncryptionOptions | Enables or disables node-to-node encryption. For more information, see Node-to-node encryption for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
NodeToNodeEncryptionOptionsStatus | Status of the node-to-node encryption options for the specified domain. |
OffPeakWindow | A custom 10-hour, low-traffic window during which OpenSearch Service can perform mandatory configuration changes on the domain. These actions can include scheduled service software updates and blue/green Auto-Tune enhancements. OpenSearch Service will schedule these actions during the window that you specify. |
OffPeakWindowOptions | Options for a domain's off-peak window, during which OpenSearch Service can perform mandatory configuration changes on the domain. |
OffPeakWindowOptionsStatus | The status of off-peak window options for a domain. |
OptionStatus | Provides the current status of an entity. |
OutboundConnection | Specifies details about an outbound cross-cluster connection. |
OutboundConnectionStatus | The status of an outbound cross-cluster connection. |
PackageDetails | Basic information about a package. |
PackageSource | The Amazon S3 location to import the package from. |
PackageVersionHistory | Details about a package version. |
PurchaseReservedInstanceOfferingRequest | Container for request parameters to the |
PurchaseReservedInstanceOfferingResponse | Represents the output of a |
RecurringCharge | Contains the specific price and frequency of a recurring charges for an OpenSearch Reserved Instance, or for a Reserved Instance offering. |
RejectInboundConnectionRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
RejectInboundConnectionResponse | Represents the output of a |
RemoveTagsRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
ReservedInstance | Details of an OpenSearch Reserved Instance. |
ReservedInstanceOffering | Details of an OpenSearch Reserved Instance offering. |
RevokeVpcEndpointAccessRequest | |
SAMLIdp | The SAML identity povider information. |
SAMLOptionsInput | The SAML authentication configuration for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. |
SAMLOptionsOutput | Describes the SAML application configured for the domain. |
ScheduledAction | Information about a scheduled configuration change for an OpenSearch Service domain. This actions can be a service software update or a blue/green Auto-Tune enhancement. |
ScheduledAutoTuneDetails | Specifies details about a scheduled Auto-Tune action. For more information, see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
ServiceSoftwareOptions | The current status of the service software for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. For more information, see Service software updates in Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
SnapshotOptions | The time, in UTC format, when OpenSearch Service takes a daily automated snapshot of the specified domain.
Default is |
SnapshotOptionsStatus | Container for information about a daily automated snapshot for an OpenSearch Service domain. |
SoftwareUpdateOptions | Options for configuring service software updates for a domain. |
SoftwareUpdateOptionsStatus | The status of the service software options for a domain. |
StartServiceSoftwareUpdateRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
StartServiceSoftwareUpdateResponse | Represents the output of a |
StorageType | A list of storage types for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain that are available for a given intance type. |
StorageTypeLimit | Limits that are applicable for the given Amazon OpenSearch Service storage type. |
Tag | A tag (key-value pair) for an Amazon OpenSearch Service resource. |
UpdateDomainConfigRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
UpdateDomainConfigResponse | The results of an |
UpdatePackageRequest | Container for request parameters to the |
UpdatePackageResponse | Container for the response returned by the |
UpdateScheduledActionRequest | |
UpdateScheduledActionResponse | |
UpdateVpcEndpointRequest | |
UpdateVpcEndpointResponse | |
UpgradeDomainRequest | Container for the request parameters to the |
UpgradeDomainResponse | Container for the response returned by |
UpgradeHistory | History of the last 10 upgrades and upgrade eligibility checks for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. |
UpgradeStepItem | Represents a single step of an upgrade or upgrade eligibility check workflow. |
ValidationFailure | A validation failure that occurred as the result of a pre-update validation check (verbose dry run) on a domain. |
VersionStatus | The status of the the OpenSearch or Elasticsearch version options for the specified Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. |
VPCDerivedInfo | Information about the subnets and security groups for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain provisioned within a virtual private cloud (VPC).
For more information, see Launching your Amazon OpenSearch Service domains using a VPC.
This information only exists if the domain was created with |
VPCDerivedInfoStatus | Status of the VPC options for a specified domain. |
VpcEndpoint | The connection endpoint for connecting to an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain through a proxy. |
VpcEndpointError | Error information when attempting to describe an Amazon OpenSearch Service-managed VPC endpoint. |
VpcEndpointSummary | Summary information for an Amazon OpenSearch Service-managed VPC endpoint. |
VPCOptions | Options to specify the subnets and security groups for an Amazon OpenSearch Service VPC endpoint. For more information, see Launching your Amazon OpenSearch Service domains using a VPC. |
WindowStartTime | The desired start time for an off-peak maintenance window. |
ZoneAwarenessConfig | The zone awareness configuration for an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. |
ActionSeverity | |
ActionStatus | |
ActionType | |
AutoTuneDesiredState | The Auto-Tune desired state. Valid values are ENABLED and DISABLED. |
AutoTuneState | The Auto-Tune state for the domain. For valid states see Auto-Tune for Amazon OpenSearch Service. |
AutoTuneType | Specifies the Auto-Tune type. Valid value is SCHEDULED_ACTION. |
ConnectionMode | The connection mode for the cross-cluster connection. |
DeploymentStatus | |
DescribePackagesFilterName | |
DomainPackageStatus | |
DryRunMode | |
EngineType | |
InboundConnectionStatusCode | |
LogType | The type of log file. Can be one of the following: |
OpenSearchPartitionInstanceType | |
OpenSearchWarmPartitionInstanceType | |
OptionState | The state of a requested domain configuration change. Can be one of the following: |
OutboundConnectionStatusCode | |
OverallChangeStatus | The overall status value of the domain configuration change. |
PackageStatus | |
PackageType | |
PrincipalType | |
ReservedInstancePaymentOption | |
RollbackOnDisable | The rollback state while disabling Auto-Tune for the domain. |
ScheduleAt | |
ScheduledAutoTuneActionType | The Auto-Tune action type. |
ScheduledAutoTuneSeverityType | The Auto-Tune action severity. |
ScheduledBy | |
TimeUnit | The unit of a maintenance schedule duration.
Valid value is |
TLSSecurityPolicy | |
UpgradeStatus | |
UpgradeStep | |
VolumeType | The type of EBS volume that a domain uses. For more information, see Configuring EBS-based storage. |
VpcEndpointErrorCode | |
VpcEndpointStatus |