import * as mod from "";
ActionRequired | The action required to resolve a broker issue when the broker is in a CRITICAL_ACTION_REQUIRED state. |
AvailabilityZone | Name of the availability zone. |
BrokerEngineType | Types of broker engines. |
BrokerInstance | Returns information about all brokers. |
BrokerInstanceOption | Option for host instance type. |
BrokerSummary | Returns information about all brokers. |
Configuration | Returns information about all configurations. |
ConfigurationId | A list of information about the configuration. |
ConfigurationRevision | Returns information about the specified configuration revision. |
Configurations | Broker configuration information |
CreateBrokerRequest | Creates a broker using the specified properties. |
CreateBrokerResponse | |
CreateConfigurationRequest | Creates a new configuration for the specified configuration name. Amazon MQ uses the default configuration (the engine type and version). |
CreateConfigurationResponse | |
CreateTagsRequest | A map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag. |
CreateUserRequest | Creates a new ActiveMQ user. |
DeleteBrokerRequest | |
DeleteBrokerResponse | |
DeleteTagsRequest | |
DeleteUserRequest | |
DescribeBrokerEngineTypesRequest | |
DescribeBrokerEngineTypesResponse | |
DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsRequest | |
DescribeBrokerInstanceOptionsResponse | |
DescribeBrokerRequest | |
DescribeBrokerResponse | |
DescribeConfigurationRequest | |
DescribeConfigurationResponse | |
DescribeConfigurationRevisionRequest | |
DescribeConfigurationRevisionResponse | |
DescribeUserRequest | |
DescribeUserResponse | |
EncryptionOptions | ! IMPORTANT: ! Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers. |
EngineVersion | Id of the engine version. |
LdapServerMetadataInput | Optional. The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and authorize connections to the broker. |
LdapServerMetadataOutput | Optional. The metadata of the LDAP server used to authenticate and authorize connections to the broker. |
ListBrokersRequest | |
ListBrokersResponse | |
ListConfigurationRevisionsRequest | |
ListConfigurationRevisionsResponse | |
ListConfigurationsRequest | |
ListConfigurationsResponse | |
ListTagsRequest | |
ListTagsResponse | |
ListUsersRequest | |
ListUsersResponse | |
Logs | The list of information about logs to be enabled for the specified broker. |
LogsSummary | The list of information about logs currently enabled and pending to be deployed for the specified broker. |
PendingLogs | The list of information about logs to be enabled for the specified broker. |
RebootBrokerRequest | |
SanitizationWarning | Returns information about the XML element or attribute that was sanitized in the configuration. |
UpdateBrokerRequest | Updates the broker using the specified properties. |
UpdateBrokerResponse | |
UpdateConfigurationRequest | Updates the specified configuration. |
UpdateConfigurationResponse | |
UpdateUserRequest | Updates the information for an ActiveMQ user. |
User | A user associated with the broker. For RabbitMQ brokers, one and only one administrative user is accepted and created when a broker is first provisioned. All subsequent broker users are created by making RabbitMQ API calls directly to brokers or via the RabbitMQ web console. |
UserPendingChanges | Returns information about the status of the changes pending for the ActiveMQ user. |
UserSummary | Returns a list of all broker users. Does not apply to RabbitMQ brokers. |
WeeklyStartTime | The scheduled time period relative to UTC during which Amazon MQ begins to apply pending updates or patches to the broker. |
AuthenticationStrategy | Optional. The authentication strategy used to secure the broker. The default is SIMPLE. |
BrokerState | The broker's status. |
BrokerStorageType | The broker's storage type. |
ChangeType | The type of change pending for the ActiveMQ user. |
DayOfWeek | |
DeploymentMode | The broker's deployment mode. |
EngineType | The type of broker engine. Amazon MQ supports ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ. |
SanitizationWarningReason | The reason for which the XML elements or attributes were sanitized. |