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MarketplaceCatalog |
CancelChangeSetRequest | |
CancelChangeSetResponse | |
Change | An object that contains the |
ChangeSetSummaryListItem | A summary of a change set returned in a list of change sets when the |
ChangeSummary | This object is a container for common summary information about the change. The summary doesn't contain the whole change structure. |
DescribeChangeSetRequest | |
DescribeChangeSetResponse | |
DescribeEntityRequest | |
DescribeEntityResponse | |
Entity | An entity contains data that describes your product, its supported features, and how it can be used or launched by your customer. |
EntitySummary | This object is a container for common summary information about the entity. The summary doesn't contain the whole entity structure, but it does contain information common across all entities. |
ErrorDetail | Details about the error. |
Filter | A filter object, used to optionally filter results from calls to the |
ListChangeSetsRequest | |
ListChangeSetsResponse | |
ListEntitiesRequest | |
ListEntitiesResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
Sort | An object that contains two attributes, |
StartChangeSetRequest | |
StartChangeSetResponse | |
Tag | A list of objects specifying each key name and value. |
TagResourceRequest | |
UntagResourceRequest |
ChangeStatus | |
FailureCode | |
SortOrder |