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LookoutVision |
Anomaly | Information about an anomaly type found on an image by an image segmentation model. For more information, see "DetectAnomalies". |
CreateDatasetRequest | |
CreateDatasetResponse | |
CreateModelRequest | |
CreateModelResponse | |
CreateProjectRequest | |
CreateProjectResponse | |
DatasetDescription | The description for a dataset. For more information, see "DescribeDataset". |
DatasetGroundTruthManifest | Location information about a manifest file. You can use a manifest file to create a dataset. |
DatasetImageStats | Statistics about the images in a dataset. |
DatasetMetadata | Summary information for an Amazon Lookout for Vision dataset. For more information, see "DescribeDataset" and "ProjectDescription". |
DatasetSource | Information about the location of a manifest file that Amazon Lookout for Vision uses to to create a dataset. |
DeleteDatasetRequest | |
DeleteModelRequest | |
DeleteModelResponse | |
DeleteProjectRequest | |
DeleteProjectResponse | |
DescribeDatasetRequest | |
DescribeDatasetResponse | |
DescribeModelPackagingJobRequest | |
DescribeModelPackagingJobResponse | |
DescribeModelRequest | |
DescribeModelResponse | |
DescribeProjectRequest | |
DescribeProjectResponse | |
DetectAnomaliesRequest | |
DetectAnomaliesResponse | |
DetectAnomalyResult | The prediction results from a call to "DetectAnomalies".
GreengrassConfiguration | Configuration information for the AWS IoT Greengrass component created in a model packaging job. For more information, see "StartModelPackagingJob". |
GreengrassOutputDetails | Information about the AWS IoT Greengrass component created by a model packaging job. |
ImageSource | The source for an image. |
InputS3Object | Amazon S3 Location information for an input manifest file. |
ListDatasetEntriesRequest | |
ListDatasetEntriesResponse | |
ListModelPackagingJobsRequest | |
ListModelPackagingJobsResponse | |
ListModelsRequest | |
ListModelsResponse | |
ListProjectsRequest | |
ListProjectsResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
ModelDescription | Describes an Amazon Lookout for Vision model. |
ModelMetadata | Describes an Amazon Lookout for Vision model. |
ModelPackagingConfiguration | Configuration information for a Amazon Lookout for Vision model packaging job. For more information, see "StartModelPackagingJob". |
ModelPackagingDescription | Information about a model packaging job. For more information, see "DescribeModelPackagingJob". |
ModelPackagingJobMetadata | Metadata for a model packaging job. For more information, see "ListModelPackagingJobs". |
ModelPackagingOutputDetails | Information about the output from a model packaging job. |
ModelPerformance | Information about the evaluation performance of a trained model. |
OutputConfig | The S3 location where Amazon Lookout for Vision saves model training files. |
OutputS3Object | The S3 location where Amazon Lookout for Vision saves training output. |
PixelAnomaly | Information about the pixels in an anomaly mask.
For more information,
see "Anomaly".
ProjectDescription | Describe an Amazon Lookout for Vision project. For more information, see "DescribeProject". |
ProjectMetadata | Metadata about an Amazon Lookout for Vision project. |
S3Location | Information about the location of training output or the output of a model packaging job. |
StartModelPackagingJobRequest | |
StartModelPackagingJobResponse | |
StartModelRequest | |
StartModelResponse | |
StopModelRequest | |
StopModelResponse | |
Tag | A key and value pair that is attached to the specified Amazon Lookout for Vision model. |
TagResourceRequest | |
TargetPlatform | The platform on which a model runs on an AWS IoT Greengrass core device. |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateDatasetEntriesRequest | |
UpdateDatasetEntriesResponse |