import * as mod from "";
ApiKeyFilter | Options for filtering API keys. |
ApiKeyRestrictions | API Restrictions on the allowed actions, resources, and referers for an API key resource. |
AssociateTrackerConsumerRequest | |
BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryError | Contains the tracker resource details. |
BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryRequest | |
BatchDeleteDevicePositionHistoryResponse | |
BatchDeleteGeofenceError | Contains error details for each geofence that failed to delete from the geofence collection. |
BatchDeleteGeofenceRequest | |
BatchDeleteGeofenceResponse | |
BatchEvaluateGeofencesError | Contains error details for each device that failed to evaluate its position against the geofences in a given geofence collection. |
BatchEvaluateGeofencesRequest | |
BatchEvaluateGeofencesResponse | |
BatchGetDevicePositionError | Contains error details for each device that didn't return a position. |
BatchGetDevicePositionRequest | |
BatchGetDevicePositionResponse | |
BatchItemError | Contains the batch request error details associated with the request. |
BatchPutGeofenceError | Contains error details for each geofence that failed to be stored in a given geofence collection. |
BatchPutGeofenceRequest | |
BatchPutGeofenceRequestEntry | Contains geofence geometry details. |
BatchPutGeofenceResponse | |
BatchPutGeofenceSuccess | Contains a summary of each geofence that was successfully stored in a given geofence collection. |
BatchUpdateDevicePositionError | Contains error details for each device that failed to update its position. |
BatchUpdateDevicePositionRequest | |
BatchUpdateDevicePositionResponse | |
CalculateRouteCarModeOptions | Contains details about additional route preferences for requests that specify |
CalculateRouteMatrixRequest | |
CalculateRouteMatrixResponse | Returns the result of the route matrix calculation. |
CalculateRouteMatrixSummary | A summary of the calculated route matrix. |
CalculateRouteRequest | |
CalculateRouteResponse | Returns the result of the route calculation. Metadata includes legs and route summary. |
CalculateRouteSummary | A summary of the calculated route. |
CalculateRouteTruckModeOptions | Contains details about additional route preferences for requests that specify |
Circle | A circle on the earth, as defined by a center point and a radius. |
CreateGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
CreateGeofenceCollectionResponse | |
CreateKeyRequest | |
CreateKeyResponse | |
CreateMapRequest | |
CreateMapResponse | |
CreatePlaceIndexRequest | |
CreatePlaceIndexResponse | |
CreateRouteCalculatorRequest | |
CreateRouteCalculatorResponse | |
CreateTrackerRequest | |
CreateTrackerResponse | |
DataSourceConfiguration | Specifies the data storage option chosen for requesting Places. |
DeleteGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
DeleteKeyRequest | |
DeleteMapRequest | |
DeletePlaceIndexRequest | |
DeleteRouteCalculatorRequest | |
DeleteTrackerRequest | |
DescribeGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
DescribeGeofenceCollectionResponse | |
DescribeKeyRequest | |
DescribeKeyResponse | |
DescribeMapRequest | |
DescribeMapResponse | |
DescribePlaceIndexRequest | |
DescribePlaceIndexResponse | |
DescribeRouteCalculatorRequest | |
DescribeRouteCalculatorResponse | |
DescribeTrackerRequest | |
DescribeTrackerResponse | |
DevicePosition | Contains the device position details. |
DevicePositionUpdate | Contains the position update details for a device. |
DisassociateTrackerConsumerRequest | |
GeofenceGeometry | Contains the geofence geometry details. |
GetDevicePositionHistoryRequest | |
GetDevicePositionHistoryResponse | |
GetDevicePositionRequest | |
GetDevicePositionResponse | |
GetGeofenceRequest | |
GetGeofenceResponse | |
GetMapGlyphsRequest | |
GetMapGlyphsResponse | |
GetMapSpritesRequest | |
GetMapSpritesResponse | |
GetMapStyleDescriptorRequest | |
GetMapStyleDescriptorResponse | |
GetMapTileRequest | |
GetMapTileResponse | |
GetPlaceRequest | |
GetPlaceResponse | |
Leg | Contains the calculated route's details for each path between a pair of positions. The number of legs returned corresponds to one fewer than the total number of positions in the request. |
LegGeometry | Contains the geometry details for each path between a pair of positions. Used in plotting a route leg on a map. |
ListDevicePositionsRequest | |
ListDevicePositionsResponse | |
ListDevicePositionsResponseEntry | Contains the tracker resource details. |
ListGeofenceCollectionsRequest | |
ListGeofenceCollectionsResponse | |
ListGeofenceCollectionsResponseEntry | Contains the geofence collection details. |
ListGeofenceResponseEntry | Contains a list of geofences stored in a given geofence collection. |
ListGeofencesRequest | |
ListGeofencesResponse | |
ListKeysRequest | |
ListKeysResponse | |
ListKeysResponseEntry | An API key resource listed in your Amazon Web Services account. |
ListMapsRequest | |
ListMapsResponse | |
ListMapsResponseEntry | Contains details of an existing map resource in your Amazon Web Services account. |
ListPlaceIndexesRequest | |
ListPlaceIndexesResponse | |
ListPlaceIndexesResponseEntry | A place index resource listed in your Amazon Web Services account. |
ListRouteCalculatorsRequest | |
ListRouteCalculatorsResponse | |
ListRouteCalculatorsResponseEntry | A route calculator resource listed in your Amazon Web Services account. |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
ListTrackerConsumersRequest | |
ListTrackerConsumersResponse | |
ListTrackersRequest | |
ListTrackersResponse | |
ListTrackersResponseEntry | Contains the tracker resource details. |
MapConfiguration | Specifies the map tile style selected from an available provider. |
Place | Contains details about addresses or points of interest that match the search criteria. |
PlaceGeometry | Places uses a point geometry to specify a location or a Place. |
PositionalAccuracy | Defines the level of certainty of the position. |
PutGeofenceRequest | |
PutGeofenceResponse | |
RouteMatrixEntry | The result for the calculated route of one |
RouteMatrixEntryError | An error corresponding to the calculation of a route between the |
SearchForPositionResult | Contains a search result from a position search query that is run on a place index resource. |
SearchForSuggestionsResult | Contains a place suggestion resulting from a place suggestion query that is run on a place index resource. |
SearchForTextResult | Contains a search result from a text search query that is run on a place index resource. |
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionRequest | |
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionResponse | |
SearchPlaceIndexForPositionSummary | A summary of the request sent by using |
SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestionsRequest | |
SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestionsResponse | |
SearchPlaceIndexForSuggestionsSummary | A summary of the request sent by using |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextRequest | |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextResponse | |
SearchPlaceIndexForTextSummary | A summary of the request sent by using |
Step | Represents an element of a leg within a route. A step contains instructions for how to move to the next step in the leg. |
TagResourceRequest | |
TimeZone | Information about a time zone. Includes the name of the time zone and the offset from UTC in seconds. |
TruckDimensions | Contains details about the truck dimensions in the unit of measurement that you specify.
Used to filter out roads that can't support or allow the specified dimensions for requests that specify |
TruckWeight | Contains details about the truck's weight specifications.
Used to avoid roads that can't support or allow the total weight for requests that specify |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateGeofenceCollectionRequest | |
UpdateGeofenceCollectionResponse | |
UpdateKeyRequest | |
UpdateKeyResponse | |
UpdateMapRequest | |
UpdateMapResponse | |
UpdatePlaceIndexRequest | |
UpdatePlaceIndexResponse | |
UpdateRouteCalculatorRequest | |
UpdateRouteCalculatorResponse | |
UpdateTrackerRequest | |
UpdateTrackerResponse |