import * as mod from "";
AcknowledgeFlow | Specifies whether to get notified for alarm state changes. |
Action | An action to be performed when the |
AlarmAction | Specifies one of the following actions to receive notifications when the alarm state changes. |
AlarmCapabilities | Contains the configuration information of alarm state changes. |
AlarmEventActions | Contains information about one or more alarm actions. |
AlarmModelSummary | Contains a summary of an alarm model. |
AlarmModelVersionSummary | Contains a summary of an alarm model version. |
AlarmNotification | Contains information about one or more notification actions. |
AlarmRule | Defines when your alarm is invoked. |
AnalysisResult | Contains the result of the analysis. |
AnalysisResultLocation | Contains information that you can use to locate the field in your detector model that the analysis result references. |
AssetPropertyTimestamp | A structure that contains timestamp information. For more information, see TimeInNanos in the AWS IoT SiteWise API Reference. |
AssetPropertyValue | A structure that contains value information. For more information, see AssetPropertyValue in the AWS IoT SiteWise API Reference. |
AssetPropertyVariant | A structure that contains an asset property value. For more information, see Variant in the AWS IoT SiteWise API Reference. |
Attribute | The attributes from the JSON payload that are made available by the input.
Inputs are derived from messages sent to the AWS IoT Events system using |
ClearTimerAction | Information needed to clear the timer. |
CreateAlarmModelRequest | |
CreateAlarmModelResponse | |
CreateDetectorModelRequest | |
CreateDetectorModelResponse | |
CreateInputRequest | |
CreateInputResponse | |
DeleteAlarmModelRequest | |
DeleteDetectorModelRequest | |
DeleteInputRequest | |
DescribeAlarmModelRequest | |
DescribeAlarmModelResponse | |
DescribeDetectorModelAnalysisRequest | |
DescribeDetectorModelAnalysisResponse | |
DescribeDetectorModelRequest | |
DescribeDetectorModelResponse | |
DescribeInputRequest | |
DescribeInputResponse | |
DescribeLoggingOptionsResponse | |
DetectorDebugOption | The detector model and the specific detectors (instances) for which the logging level is given. |
DetectorModel | Information about the detector model. |
DetectorModelConfiguration | Information about how the detector model is configured. |
DetectorModelDefinition | Information that defines how a detector operates. |
DetectorModelSummary | Information about the detector model. |
DetectorModelVersionSummary | Information about the detector model version. |
DynamoDBAction | Defines an action to write to the Amazon DynamoDB table that you created. The standard action payload contains all the information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action. You can customize the payload. One column of the DynamoDB table receives all attribute-value pairs in the payload that you specify. |
DynamoDBv2Action | Defines an action to write to the Amazon DynamoDB table that you created. The default action payload contains all the information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action. You can customize the payload. A separate column of the DynamoDB table receives one attribute-value pair in the payload that you specify. |
EmailConfiguration | Contains the configuration information of email notifications. |
EmailContent | Contains the subject and message of an email. |
EmailRecipients | Contains the information of one or more recipients who receive the emails. |
Event | Specifies the |
FirehoseAction | Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose delivery stream. |
GetDetectorModelAnalysisResultsRequest | |
GetDetectorModelAnalysisResultsResponse | |
InitializationConfiguration | Specifies the default alarm state. The configuration applies to all alarms that were created based on this alarm model. |
Input | Information about the input. |
InputConfiguration | Information about the configuration of an input. |
InputDefinition | The definition of the input. |
InputIdentifier | The identifer of the input. |
InputSummary | Information about the input. |
IotEventsAction | Sends an AWS IoT Events input, passing in information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action. |
IotEventsInputIdentifier | The identifier of the input routed to AWS IoT Events. |
IotSiteWiseAction | Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to a specified asset property in AWS IoT SiteWise. |
IotSiteWiseAssetModelPropertyIdentifier | The asset model property identifer of the input routed from AWS IoT SiteWise. |
IotSiteWiseInputIdentifier | The identifer of the input routed from AWS IoT SiteWise. |
IotTopicPublishAction | Information required to publish the MQTT message through the AWS IoT message broker. |
LambdaAction | Calls a Lambda function, passing in information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action. |
ListAlarmModelsRequest | |
ListAlarmModelsResponse | |
ListAlarmModelVersionsRequest | |
ListAlarmModelVersionsResponse | |
ListDetectorModelsRequest | |
ListDetectorModelsResponse | |
ListDetectorModelVersionsRequest | |
ListDetectorModelVersionsResponse | |
ListInputRoutingsRequest | |
ListInputRoutingsResponse | |
ListInputsRequest | |
ListInputsResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
LoggingOptions | The values of the AWS IoT Events logging options. |
NotificationAction | Contains the notification settings of an alarm model. The settings apply to all alarms that were created based on this alarm model. |
NotificationTargetActions | Specifies an AWS Lambda function to manage alarm notifications. You can create one or use the AWS Lambda function provided by AWS IoT Events. |
OnEnterLifecycle | When entering this state, perform these |
OnExitLifecycle | When exiting this state, perform these |
OnInputLifecycle | Specifies the actions performed when the |
Payload | Information needed to configure the payload. |
PutLoggingOptionsRequest | |
RecipientDetail | The information that identifies the recipient. |
ResetTimerAction | Information required to reset the timer. The timer is reset to the previously evaluated result of the duration. The duration expression isn't reevaluated when you reset the timer. |
RoutedResource | Contains information about the routed resource. |
SetTimerAction | Information needed to set the timer. |
SetVariableAction | Information about the variable and its new value. |
SimpleRule | A rule that compares an input property value to a threshold value with a comparison operator. |
SMSConfiguration | Contains the configuration information of SMS notifications. |
SNSTopicPublishAction | Information required to publish the Amazon SNS message. |
SqsAction | Sends information about the detector model instance and the event that triggered the action to an Amazon SQS queue. |
SSOIdentity | Contains information about your identity source in AWS Single Sign-On. For more information, see the AWS Single Sign-On User Guide. |
StartDetectorModelAnalysisRequest | |
StartDetectorModelAnalysisResponse | |
State | Information that defines a state of a detector. |
Tag | Metadata that can be used to manage the resource. |
TagResourceRequest | |
TransitionEvent | Specifies the actions performed and the next state entered when a |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateAlarmModelRequest | |
UpdateAlarmModelResponse | |
UpdateDetectorModelRequest | |
UpdateDetectorModelResponse | |
UpdateInputRequest | |
UpdateInputResponse |