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Inspector2 |
Account | An Amazon Web Services account within your environment that Amazon Inspector has been enabled for. |
AccountAggregation | An object that contains details about an aggregation response based on Amazon Web Services accounts. |
AccountAggregationResponse | An aggregation of findings by Amazon Web Services account ID. |
AccountState | An object with details the status of an Amazon Web Services account within your Amazon Inspector environment. |
AggregationRequest | Contains details about an aggregation request. |
AggregationResponse | A structure that contains details about the results of an aggregation type. |
AmiAggregation | The details that define an aggregation based on Amazon machine images (AMIs). |
AmiAggregationResponse | A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by AMI. |
AssociateMemberRequest | |
AssociateMemberResponse | |
AutoEnable | Represents which scan types are automatically enabled for new members of your Amazon Inspector organization. |
AwsEc2InstanceDetails | Details of the Amazon EC2 instance involved in a finding. |
AwsEcrContainerAggregation | An aggregation of information about Amazon ECR containers. |
AwsEcrContainerAggregationResponse | An aggregation of information about Amazon ECR containers. |
AwsEcrContainerImageDetails | The image details of the Amazon ECR container image. |
AwsLambdaFunctionDetails | A summary of information about the AWS Lambda function. |
BatchGetAccountStatusRequest | |
BatchGetAccountStatusResponse | |
BatchGetFreeTrialInfoRequest | |
BatchGetFreeTrialInfoResponse | |
CancelFindingsReportRequest | |
CancelFindingsReportResponse | |
Counts | a structure that contains information on the count of resources within a group. |
CoverageFilterCriteria | A structure that identifies filter criteria for |
CoverageMapFilter | Contains details of a coverage map filter. |
CoverageStringFilter | Contains details of a coverage string filter. |
CoveredResource | An object that contains details about a resource covered by Amazon Inspector. |
CreateFilterRequest | |
CreateFilterResponse | |
CreateFindingsReportRequest | |
CreateFindingsReportResponse | |
CvssScore | The CVSS score for a finding. |
CvssScoreAdjustment | Details on adjustments Amazon Inspector made to the CVSS score for a finding. |
CvssScoreDetails | Information about the CVSS score. |
DateFilter | Contains details on the time range used to filter findings. |
DelegatedAdmin | Details of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization. |
DelegatedAdminAccount | Details of the Amazon Inspector delegated administrator for your organization. |
DeleteFilterRequest | |
DeleteFilterResponse | |
DescribeOrganizationConfigurationResponse | |
Destination | Contains details of the Amazon S3 bucket and KMS key used to export findings. |
DisableDelegatedAdminAccountRequest | |
DisableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse | |
DisableRequest | |
DisableResponse | |
DisassociateMemberRequest | |
DisassociateMemberResponse | |
Ec2InstanceAggregation | The details that define an aggregation based on Amazon EC2 instances. |
Ec2InstanceAggregationResponse | A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by Amazon EC2 instance. |
Ec2Metadata | Meta data details of an Amazon EC2 instance. |
EcrConfiguration | Details about the ECR automated re-scan duration setting for your environment. |
EcrConfigurationState | Details about the state of the ECR scans for your environment. |
EcrContainerImageMetadata | Information on the Amazon ECR image metadata associated with a finding. |
EcrRepositoryMetadata | Information on the Amazon ECR repository metadata associated with a finding. |
EcrRescanDurationState | Details about the state of any changes to the ECR automated re-scan duration setting. |
EnableDelegatedAdminAccountRequest | |
EnableDelegatedAdminAccountResponse | |
EnableRequest | |
EnableResponse | |
ExploitabilityDetails | The details of an exploit available for a finding discovered in your environment. |
FailedAccount | An object with details on why an account failed to enable Amazon Inspector. |
Filter | Details about a filter. |
FilterCriteria | Details on the criteria used to define the filter. |
Finding | Details about an Amazon Inspector finding. |
FindingTypeAggregation | The details that define an aggregation based on finding type. |
FindingTypeAggregationResponse | A response that contains the results of a finding type aggregation. |
FreeTrialAccountInfo | Information about the Amazon Inspector free trial for an account. |
FreeTrialInfo | An object that contains information about the Amazon Inspector free trial for an account. |
FreeTrialInfoError | Information about an error received while accessing free trail data for an account. |
GetConfigurationResponse | |
GetDelegatedAdminAccountResponse | |
GetFindingsReportStatusRequest | |
GetFindingsReportStatusResponse | |
GetMemberRequest | |
GetMemberResponse | |
ImageLayerAggregation | The details that define an aggregation based on container image layers. |
ImageLayerAggregationResponse | A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by image layer. |
InspectorScoreDetails | Information about the Amazon Inspector score given to a finding. |
LambdaFunctionAggregation | The details that define a findings aggregation based on AWS Lambda functions. |
LambdaFunctionAggregationResponse | A response that contains the results of an AWS Lambda function finding aggregation. |
LambdaFunctionMetadata | The AWS Lambda function metadata. |
LambdaLayerAggregation | The details that define a findings aggregation based on an AWS Lambda function's layers. |
LambdaLayerAggregationResponse | A response that contains the results of an AWS Lambda function layer finding aggregation. |
LambdaVpcConfig | The VPC security groups and subnets that are attached to an AWS Lambda function. For more information, see VPC Settings. |
ListAccountPermissionsRequest | |
ListAccountPermissionsResponse | |
ListCoverageRequest | |
ListCoverageResponse | |
ListCoverageStatisticsRequest | |
ListCoverageStatisticsResponse | |
ListDelegatedAdminAccountsRequest | |
ListDelegatedAdminAccountsResponse | |
ListFiltersRequest | |
ListFiltersResponse | |
ListFindingAggregationsRequest | |
ListFindingAggregationsResponse | |
ListFindingsRequest | |
ListFindingsResponse | |
ListMembersRequest | |
ListMembersResponse | |
ListTagsForResourceRequest | |
ListTagsForResourceResponse | |
ListUsageTotalsRequest | |
ListUsageTotalsResponse | |
MapFilter | An object that describes details of a map filter. |
Member | Details on a member account in your organization. |
NetworkPath | Information on the network path associated with a finding. |
NetworkReachabilityDetails | Contains the details of a network reachability finding. |
NumberFilter | An object that describes the details of a number filter. |
PackageAggregation | The details that define an aggregation based on operating system package type. |
PackageAggregationResponse | A response that contains the results of a finding aggregation by image layer. |
PackageFilter | Contains information on the details of a package filter. |
PackageVulnerabilityDetails | Information about a package vulnerability finding. |
Permission | Contains information on the permissions an account has within Amazon Inspector. |
PortRange | Details about the port range associated with a finding. |
PortRangeFilter | An object that describes the details of a port range filter. |
Recommendation | Details about the recommended course of action to remediate the finding. |
Remediation | Information on how to remediate a finding. |
RepositoryAggregation | The details that define an aggregation based on repository. |
RepositoryAggregationResponse | A response that contains details on the results of a finding aggregation by repository. |
Resource | Details about the resource involved in a finding. |
ResourceDetails | Contains details about the resource involved in the finding. |
ResourceScanMetadata | An object that contains details about the metadata for an Amazon ECR resource. |
ResourceState | Details the state of Amazon Inspector for each resource type Amazon Inspector scans. |
ResourceStatus | Details the status of Amazon Inspector for each resource type Amazon Inspector scans. |
ScanStatus | The status of the scan. |
SeverityCounts | An object that contains the counts of aggregated finding per severity. |
SortCriteria | Details about the criteria used to sort finding results. |
State | An object that described the state of Amazon Inspector scans for an account. |
Step | Details about the step associated with a finding. |
StringFilter | An object that describes the details of a string filter. |
TagResourceRequest | |
TitleAggregation | The details that define an aggregation based on finding title. |
TitleAggregationResponse | A response that contains details on the results of a finding aggregation by title. |
UntagResourceRequest | |
UpdateConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateFilterRequest | |
UpdateFilterResponse | |
UpdateOrganizationConfigurationRequest | |
UpdateOrganizationConfigurationResponse | |
Usage | Contains usage information about the cost of Amazon Inspector operation. |
UsageTotal | The total of usage for an account ID. |
VulnerablePackage | Information on the vulnerable package identified by a finding. |