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AbortMultipartUploadInput | Provides options to abort a multipart upload identified by the upload ID. |
AbortVaultLockInput | The input values for |
AddTagsToVaultInput | The input values for |
ArchiveCreationOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
CompleteMultipartUploadInput | Provides options to complete a multipart upload operation. This informs Amazon Glacier that all the archive parts have been uploaded and Amazon S3 Glacier (Glacier) can now assemble the archive from the uploaded parts. After assembling and saving the archive to the vault, Glacier returns the URI path of the newly created archive resource. |
CompleteVaultLockInput | The input values for |
CreateVaultInput | Provides options to create a vault. |
CreateVaultOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
CSVInput | Contains information about the comma-separated value (CSV) file to select from. |
CSVOutput | Contains information about the comma-separated value (CSV) file that the job results are stored in. |
DataRetrievalPolicy | Data retrieval policy. |
DataRetrievalRule | Data retrieval policy rule. |
DeleteArchiveInput | Provides options for deleting an archive from an Amazon S3 Glacier vault. |
DeleteVaultAccessPolicyInput | DeleteVaultAccessPolicy input. |
DeleteVaultInput | Provides options for deleting a vault from Amazon S3 Glacier. |
DeleteVaultNotificationsInput | Provides options for deleting a vault notification configuration from an Amazon Glacier vault. |
DescribeJobInput | Provides options for retrieving a job description. |
DescribeVaultInput | Provides options for retrieving metadata for a specific vault in Amazon Glacier. |
DescribeVaultOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
Encryption | Contains information about the encryption used to store the job results in Amazon S3. |
GetDataRetrievalPolicyInput | Input for GetDataRetrievalPolicy. |
GetDataRetrievalPolicyOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to the |
GetJobOutputInput | Provides options for downloading output of an Amazon S3 Glacier job. |
GetJobOutputOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
GetVaultAccessPolicyInput | Input for GetVaultAccessPolicy. |
GetVaultAccessPolicyOutput | Output for GetVaultAccessPolicy. |
GetVaultLockInput | The input values for |
GetVaultLockOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
GetVaultNotificationsInput | Provides options for retrieving the notification configuration set on an Amazon Glacier vault. |
GetVaultNotificationsOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
GlacierJobDescription | Contains the description of an Amazon S3 Glacier job. |
Grant | Contains information about a grant. |
Grantee | Contains information about the grantee. |
InitiateJobInput | Provides options for initiating an Amazon S3 Glacier job. |
InitiateJobOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
InitiateMultipartUploadInput | Provides options for initiating a multipart upload to an Amazon S3 Glacier vault. |
InitiateMultipartUploadOutput | The Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
InitiateVaultLockInput | The input values for |
InitiateVaultLockOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
InputSerialization | Describes how the archive is serialized. |
InventoryRetrievalJobDescription | Describes the options for a range inventory retrieval job. |
InventoryRetrievalJobInput | Provides options for specifying a range inventory retrieval job. |
JobParameters | Provides options for defining a job. |
ListJobsInput | Provides options for retrieving a job list for an Amazon S3 Glacier vault. |
ListJobsOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
ListMultipartUploadsInput | Provides options for retrieving list of in-progress multipart uploads for an Amazon Glacier vault. |
ListMultipartUploadsOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
ListPartsInput | Provides options for retrieving a list of parts of an archive that have been uploaded in a specific multipart upload. |
ListPartsOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
ListProvisionedCapacityInput | |
ListProvisionedCapacityOutput | |
ListTagsForVaultInput | The input value for |
ListTagsForVaultOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
ListVaultsInput | Provides options to retrieve the vault list owned by the calling user's account. The list provides metadata information for each vault. |
ListVaultsOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
OutputLocation | Contains information about the location where the select job results are stored. |
OutputSerialization | Describes how the select output is serialized. |
PartListElement | A list of the part sizes of the multipart upload. |
ProvisionedCapacityDescription | The definition for a provisioned capacity unit. |
PurchaseProvisionedCapacityInput | |
PurchaseProvisionedCapacityOutput | |
RemoveTagsFromVaultInput | The input value for |
S3Location | Contains information about the location in Amazon S3 where the select job results are stored. |
SelectParameters | Contains information about the parameters used for a select. |
SetDataRetrievalPolicyInput | SetDataRetrievalPolicy input. |
SetVaultAccessPolicyInput | SetVaultAccessPolicy input. |
SetVaultNotificationsInput | Provides options to configure notifications that will be sent when specific events happen to a vault. |
UploadArchiveInput | Provides options to add an archive to a vault. |
UploadListElement | A list of in-progress multipart uploads for a vault. |
UploadMultipartPartInput | Provides options to upload a part of an archive in a multipart upload operation. |
UploadMultipartPartOutput | Contains the Amazon S3 Glacier response to your request. |
VaultAccessPolicy | Contains the vault access policy. |
VaultLockPolicy | Contains the vault lock policy. |
VaultNotificationConfig | Represents a vault's notification configuration. |